Is Your Life an Epic Adventure?

January 4, 2012 –

I recently visited an exhibit on Genghis Khan. From humble beginnings, Temujin created and ruled over the largest Empire that has ever existed. It was four times the size of the Roman Empire! Then I watched a recommended movie of his early life called Mongol. It was an epic adventure! Temujin was “Genghis Khan” (King of Kings) for 21 years. Then he died. The Mongol Empire would last 33 more years before dividing and declining.

It’s exciting to experience the vicarious thrills of an epic adventure. That’s one of the reasons we enjoy movies! That’s also one reason for the amazing growth of “massive multiplayer online” games (MMO’s). The MMO World of Warcraft has 12 million subscribers worldwide, representing 60% of the market. These subscribers (who may in fact be couch-potatoes) have been willing to spend $2.2 billion for the vicarious thrills of a fictional epic adventure.

Empires don’t last. Online epic adventures are pretend. But you have the opportunity to serve an immortal King of Kings; the increase of whose government and peace will never end (Isaiah 9:7). His kingdom has continued to increase for over 2,000 years now. He is calling you to a REAL epic adventure! Why settle for “playing church” when you can risk it all, knowing that you will never die (John 11:26) and assured of being more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37)! He’s returning soon for the final battle against all who oppose him; but you can pledge your life to serve his kingdom today!

See you in church Sunday!
New Year blessings,
Pastor Bob