Angry With God?

March 22 —

Admit it! There are times when each of us wonder if there’s any justice in the universe. There’s a character in the Bible named Job. He was a really good person. He generously helped those in need. He had a beautiful family. He was successful in everything he did. He was admired and respected by everyone who knew him until… His wealth was stolen. His kids all died tragically in a tornado. Then Job got a disease that covered his whole body in boils. That’s when his wife wished he would die. Then his best friends came by to visit and asked him what he had done that was so bad to deserve these horrible things?

Job was really angry with God.

Poor atheists! They have no one to be angry with when life comes crashing down around them! It’s not a sin to vent your anger toward God. Anything you might do to try and get back at him will only hurt you or others. Even if you try and give him “the silent treatment”, you’ll only be hurting yourself. God doesn’t need you. God does LOVE you. “God loved the world so much that he sent his only son so that whoever believes in him will have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

When you get angry with God; keep talking to him. “God is able to save those who suffer because he gets their attention through their adversity.” (Job 36:15) What happened to Job? Pick up your Bible and find out!
See you in church Sunday!
Grace & blessings,
Pastor Bob