Are You FAT?

April 25 —

I hope I am. Not fat, but FAT. FAT is an acronym Pastors use for evaluating a person’s spiritual growth potential: Faithful, Available & Teachable.

Are you faithful? Do you make commitments and keep them? Do you persevere through difficulties or do you crumble under pressure? Can others count on you to do what you’ve said, or are you always ready with an excuse? Are you following in Jesus’ footsteps or are you just playing church? Even the Marines recognize the importance of being faithful! They have made it their motto: Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful).

Are you available? Do you make time for important things like family, rest, physical fitness, helping others, Bible reading and prayer? If you have not made yourself available for those priorities, you are too busy “beating off alligators to drain the swamp”. I’ve heard there are three kinds of people: 1. Those who make things happen. 2. Those who watch things happen. 3. Those who wonder what happened. Everybody has 24 hours in their day. What are you doing with your 24 hours?

Are you teachable? I recently have taken classes in painting oil portraits. It amazed me that there were folks in both classes who ignored the teacher’s instructions. We are creatures of habit. Changing is hard. Not changing winds up being harder. A teachable person is willing to make themselves accountable to others and to discipline themselves to tasks they don’t feel like doing. Dave Ramsey says “Children do what feels good. Adults make a plan and stick to it.”

Are You FAT?

See you in church Sunday!
Grace & blessings,
Pastor Bob