Your Meter’s Running!

April 4 —


If you’ve ever taken a city taxi ride, you probably know the frustration of being in a traffic jam with the meter running while you’re trying to get somewhere. Life can be like that. The meter of your life is always running. When you’re young it seems like there’s plenty left. At my age; not so much!

My Dad had so many regrets at the end of his life. He had great success early in life; but a series of frustrating failures at the end. I promised myself that I would not live a life that bore the fruit of regret. Here are commitments I made as a teenager that comfort me in a very difficult vocational moment this week:

Love God. I grew up believing that God loved me. I’ve been a disappointment at times; and God has certainly been better to me than I deserve! Yes, I have been persecuted for my faith. I have been taken advantage of. But because I have made decisions based on my love for God, I can stand tall, look life straight in the eye and sleep well at night. No regrets.

Prioritize family. I didn’t date people I wouldn’t consider marrying. I got married at 20. We had our first child at 22. I took time to enjoy every one of our four children through my challenges of college, grad school and pastoral ministry. We lived on less so we could teach them at home. I cared for my aged parents in their last years. Though my first marriage ended suddenly after 25 years, I did all I could to preserve it. I am humbled that God gave me such a wonderful second marriage. I continue to enjoy my adult children, their spouses and our seven precious grandchildren! No regrets.

Help others. I have found that it truly IS more blessed to give than to receive. Sometimes I joke that “No good deed will go unpunished!” But my greatest and most lasting joys have come from helping others and from being helped. No regrets.

Live an adventure. I truly believe that it’s never too late to have a happy childhood! Last year I built a sailboat. The year before that I traveled to Nepal. This year I’m learning to paint portraits. Proverbs 15:15 says “All the days of a worrier bring trouble, but for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.” No regrets.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Your meter is running!

See you in church Sunday!
Grace & blessings,
Pastor Bob