Parkwood United Methodist Women – June News
The Parkwood UMW met on Thursday evening, May 23rd, at PUMC. Vice President Pam Skidmore welcomed those attending and introduced our guests from Abundant Joy: Center for Women’s Ministries. Beth A. Benham, Director, and Loni Gunn came to share information about Abundant Joy. They have been organizing and working in Durham since October 2012. Their purpose is to offer confidential, spiritual, emotional, and relational support to women eighteen or above who are experiencing crises or transition in their lives. The volunteers at Abundant Joy are not professional counselors, but they do go through training programs. If necessary, they do have links to professional counselors. Their services include peer counseling, support groups, study groups, and prayer support. Contact information and ways to help or use the services of Abundant Joy will be posted on the UMW bulletin board.
After the program, we enjoyed refreshments provided by Florine Layman. During the business session we received minutes from the last meeting and the treasurer’s report. Treasurer Pat Nestler brought our supply of Gift to Mission cards including birthday, thinking of you, congratulations, and several other types. When these cards are purchased, a gift of $5.00 is forwarded to the district treasurer for mission work. These cards may be purchased from Pat.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, June 27. In lieu of a regular program Jan Schwarze will be leading a workshop on making prayer bracelets. Supplies have been purchased. If you are interested, please plan to attend!