Advent at Parkwood United Methodist Church
Join Parkwood United Methodist Church for special worship services during Advent as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus.
Sunday, Nov. 27 – First Sunday of Advent (11:00 AM)
Hanging of the Greens & Communion
Sunday, Dec. 4 – Second Sunday of Advent (11:00 AM)
Moravian Love Feast
Sunday, Dec. 11 – Third Sunday of Advent (11:00 AM)
The Choir will present their Christmas Cantata “The Silence and the Sound” by Heather Sorenson
Sunday, Dec. 18 – Fourth Sunday of Advent (11:00 AM)
Lessons and Carols
Wednesday, Dec. 21 –Longest Night Service (7:00PM)
Attentive to the needs of those who may feel blue at Christmas, you are invited into a sacred space with others who may be living through dark times. This service will be reflective, accepting of where we really are, while holding out healing and hope.
Saturday, Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve Service (7:00PM)
Join us for our candlelight and communion worship service at 7:00 pm. We will have two (2) Special Offerings for this service. Please see the other text boxes about our special offerings.
Sunday, Dec. 25 – Christmas Day Service (10:00 AM)
No Sunday school or coffee gathering. Just come as you are as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Sunday, Jan. 1, 2017 – New Year’s Day Service (10:00 AM)
No Sunday school or coffee gathering. Just come as you are as we start the new calendar year together.