Opportunties to Serve our Neighbors

Fighting Hunger with Rise Against Hunger

Our goal is to raise $1500 for Rise Against Hunger for each of our CCoM churches (total is about $4,500 for 10,000 meals and rental fee for gym). If you would like to give towards Rise Against Hunger, you may write your check to “Parkwood UMC” and put “Rise Against Hunger” in the memo line.  If 30 people gave $50, we could raise $1,500 for Rise. Please consider giving today and help us reach our goal!

Learn more about Rise Against Hunger


Urban Ministries of Durham

In January, we are collecting soup, oatmeal and tomatoes for Urban Ministries of Durham. Remember no glass containers. Thank you for helping our neighbors through your giving to the food pantry at Urban Ministries.


Parktown Food Hub

Sign up to volunteer at Parktown Food Hub Opportunities include participating in food distribution as well as prep work for distribution.