Parkwood United Methodist Women – May News

Parkwood UMW met on Saturday, April 20, 2013, at PUMC. President Susan Oglesby called the meeting to order. She asked that we “Think Green,” and place any unused agendas and other handouts in a pile to be shredded for recycling or perhaps used in hamster cages. Our business session opened with Florine’s short recap of the March meeting. Charlotte presented the treasurer’s report. The minutes and treasurer’s report were accepted as printed and distributed by email. Continuing with old business Jan reported that the committee on receptions is in the process of gathering information concerning the cost of the items generally served. Jan also bought a prayer bracelet and we decided to use the June 27 meeting as the workshop for making the bracelets. Completed bracelets will also contain a printed guide to explain the meaning of each bead and how to use them in prayer. Jan also shared some information on items needed at UMD that are not on the regular food list. There is, however, a continuing need for food, and the members voted to send a donation designated for the purchase of food. The next item of business was a discussion of our participation in the May 11 Parkwood Flea Market. We adopted suggested price and packaging guidelines. Work schedules and a sheet listing items donated were passed around. They are posted on the UMW bulletin board and there is room to volunteer to work as well as donate baked goods.

At this point we took a short break to enjoy the refreshments provided by Hollis and Judy.

Susan began our program with prayer. In addition to those in our church family with needs, we remembered the victims and families and all those whose lives were changed by the events at the Boston Marathon. Our special guest for this meeting was Susan Rayles, President of the Corridor District. She shared some background on her journey to becoming Corridor District president. She presented some information on the upcoming mission studies, the Sister to Sister event, and the District Day apart. Flyers on these events can be found on the UMW board or on the corridor District Website, She also shared information about the “For all the Saints” that will be a part of the annual conference meeting of UMW. Our treasurer will have more information about this. There is also a mission trip to the Wesley Community Center in Savannah, GA in September. Spaces are limited because there is very little housing available. Anyone interested must register by August 15. Susan Rayles announced that our Susan Oglesby has accepted the position of Sub District Leader for south Corridor District. Congratulations and thanks for your service! The remainder of Susan’s remarks related to how we can help include and encourage younger women in their UMW journey.