Book Study: “Soul Reset” by Junius Dotson

A Book Study called “Soul Reset” on Sunday afternoons, 2:00-3:30 PM starting on Sun, Feb. 5:

For six straight Sundays in the Fellowship Hall, Rosemary Marlowe will be leading a book study and discussion group on the book, “Soul Reset: Breakdown, Breakthrough, and Journey Towards Wholeness,” by Junius Dotson.

If you are interested in signing up for this book study, please email Adam Benson.

We  are working to procure some extra books, because we don’t want the cost of purchasing a book to be a deterrent from participating in this study. This is a much needed topic and a life-giving resource for taking care of ourselves spiritually, especially in difficult times.


Christmas Eve at Parkwood UMC

Gather with Parkwood United Methodist Church for a Christmas Eve Service in our sanctuary at 6:30 pm on December 24th.

We will not have an in person worship service or Sunday school on Christmas Day.


Register for Parents Day Out

Parents Day OutAre you a parent and struggle to find time to get your Christmas shopping done? We’re here to help! On Sat., Dec. 10 from 10:30 AM until 4:00 PM, Avivamiento and Parkwood UMC are offering parents a day for you to do your Christmas shopping, or take a day off, while our leaders and volunteers take care of your kid(s) (ages 3-11) and provide Christmas worship, lunch, crafts, and activities for them. Cost is $5.

Register Today!


Wednesday Morning Prayer via Zoom

Gather with us via Zoom each Wednesday morning at 8:30 am for a time of prayer and sharing.

Contact Adam Benson for details.


Wednesday Service of Prayer and Holy Communion

Parkwood United Methodist Church is excited to offer to a new opportunity to gather together for a 30-minute prayer and Holy Communion service, starting at 12 noon on Wednesdays.

This service replaces our Zoom Morning Prayer service we had offered on Wednesdays.


Small Group Opportunities via Zoom

Parkwood United Methodist Church continues to limit our in person gatherings to our Sunday Morning Worship Service at 11:00 am.

During this time we are offering some small group opportunities via Zoom. We hope you can join us.

Opportunities to Gather this Week on Zoom:

Topic: Wednesday Morning Prayer
Time: Wednesdays  at 8:30 AM

Topic: Philippians Bible Study
Time: Thursdays  at 12:00 PM

Topic: New Member Class and What Methodists Believe
Time: Fridays at 12:00 PM

Topic: Online Sunday School AKA “the Best Thing Since Christmas”
Time: Sundays from 9:00-9:15 (ages 2-8) and 9:15-10 AM (ages 8 and up)

Visit the Connect page to get further details on each of these opportunities.


Small Group Gatherings via Zoom

Parkwood United Methodist Church continues to limit our in person gatherings to our Sunday Morning Worship Service at 11:00 am.

During this time we are offering some small group opportunities via Zoom. We hope you can join us.

Opportunities to Gather this Week on Zoom:

Wednesday Morning Prayer, Devotion, and Fellowship
Each Wednesday at 8:30 AM

Parkwood Coffee with the Pastor
Each Thursday 9:00-10:30 AM

Bible Study on Philippians (led by Pastor Adam)
Thursday Evenings at 8PM

Visit the Connect page to get further details on each of these opportunities.


Gather for Worship with Parkwood United Methodist Church

Parkwood United Methodist Church will return to in person worship Sunday, July 4th at 11:00 a.m.

We will be social distancing and ask that everyone, except for children under the age of 5 years, wear a mask to worship, .

For those not yet comfortable with in person gathering, we will continue to stream the service via the website and our Facebook page.


Come by Parkwood UMC for a Farewell to Pastor Anita Taylor

Parkwood United Methodist Church Administrative Board would like to invite you to Pastor Anita’s  Farewell Drive-By Celebration on Sunday, June 13 from 1:30PM to 3:30 PM  in the church circle.



Update on Response to COVID-19

Due to concerns from COVID-19, all in-person activities and events at Parkwood United Methodist church, including Worship and Sunday School have been suspended. Please join us for worship online, live each Sunday at 10:30 am here on our website or on our Facebook page.

The church office is closed at this time. Please reach out via email if you need to reach church staff.

Summer events are canceled at this time. Stay tuned to our social media accounts and this website for updated information as it becomes available.