Parkwood UMM Hot Dog Sale, November 12th
Join us for PUMC Men’s Hot Dog sale this Saturday 11/12 10 am to 2 pm at Ace Hardware HWY 54 Durham. Please share with friends, neighbors and family. Please come by have a hot dog and shop at Ace Hardware.
Join us for PUMC Men’s Hot Dog sale this Saturday 11/12 10 am to 2 pm at Ace Hardware HWY 54 Durham. Please share with friends, neighbors and family. Please come by have a hot dog and shop at Ace Hardware.
Sign up to work at the N.C. State Fair, which will be held on October 13 -23. This is the largest fundraiser for our church and we can’t be successful without everyone’s help. The amount of money that we earn is calculated on the number of slots we fill! As in past years, there will be two time slots available (one day-time and one night-time) for each of the 11 fun-filled days! We will carpool from the parking lot each morning and afternoon. Sign-up sheets are posted in the hallway.
Please join us and help raise money. 25% of all proceeds go towards Parkwood UMC. All Day!
You must present this flyer when ordering your Dine In or to Go Order.
Through our baptisms, we become members of the family of Christ. As members of The United Methodist Church, we are called to be loyal and do all in our power to strengthen the ministries of the church. As members of the local church, Parkwood UMC, we promise to faithfully participate in the ministries of the local church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. Therefore, our membership in a local church means more than belonging to a social club or having your name on the church books. Our membership vows connects the promises that began with our baptisms and extends into our everyday lives, as we live as Christ’s disciples. By our vows, we vow to fulfill our promises, shaped by Jesus Christ. I invite you to refresh your spirits and commitment to your membership vows, as we explore five means of grace, through our Prayers, our Presence, our Gifts, our Service and our Witness.
Please mark your calendars for our baptismal reaffirmation to be held during worship on October 23, 2016. For those who would like to be brought into membership at Parkwood UMC, we’d love to have you make that commitment, also on October 23, 2016. What if you haven’t been baptized yet? Please let me know. We’d love to bring you into the family of Christ. Grace and peace to you all. ~ Pastor Anita
Scriptures: 1 Timothy 1:12-17 and Luke 15:1-10
Sermon Title: “Our Mission”
Scriptures: 1 Timothy 2:1-7 and Luke 16:1-13
Sermon Title: “Who is Your Master?”
Scriptures: 1 Timothy 6:6-19 and Luke 16:19-31
Sermon Title: “Our Task”
Scriptures: 2 Timothy 1:1-14 and Luke 17:5-10
Sermon Title: “Be Present”
Scriptures: 2 Timothy 2:8-15 and Luke 17:11-19
Sermon Title: “Helping Words”
Scriptures: Psalm 65 and Luke 18:9-14
Sermon Title: “Lift Me Up”
Special Acts of Worship: Baptismal Reaffirmation
Join us for a Poke Walk at the Streets of Southpoint., Sunday Aug. 28th, starting at 5:30 pm.
Meet at the fountain in front of Southpoint Cinema. Bring money for dinner at the food court. Pick up at 7:30 pm at the fountain.
That is the theme of our upcoming Summer Arts Camp. What is Summer Arts Camp? It is very similar to the traditional Vacation Bible School that we have had at Parkwood United Methodist Church for many years. This year we wanted to try something new to help us reach out to the children as they PRAISE God through songs, stories, bible verses and the arts.
The change is the focus on the arts. Children love to perform, use their hands to make things, be creative and be dramatic! We will give them an opportunity to do all of those things through our art activities.
Look at this lineup!
*Drama: Make the props and present the drama based on a Bible story
*Music: Make musical instruments and learn rhythms
*Crafts: A variety of activities, including yarn sculptures
*Photography: Learn strategies for picture taking and present a gallery of photos
*Jewelry Making: Make necklaces and/or bracelets using a variety of materials
*Woodworking: Make bluebird houses
These activities will be for our children ages 6-12. We will have special activities for our 3-5 aged children.
On Sunday, July 10 at 5:30 we will kick off our summer arts camp by having a pizza and tie dye party! We are asking everyone, adults and children, to bring a shirt to tie dye. We will wear them on Saturday, July 16, 2016 to our end of camp celebration and ice cream social!
We hope you can join us for this exciting time. You can download our online registration form or you can contact The forms are also available at Parkwood United Methodist Church. Please email the completed form or you can mail it to Parkwood United Methodist Church 5123 Revere Rd. Durham, NC 27713. You are welcome if you have not preregistered; however, in order for us to ensure we have enough supplies for the activities we need you to register soon!
The United Methodist Women meet the fourth Thursday of the month. February’s meeting is on Feb. 25th at 6:30 pm in the church fellowship hall. All WOMEN of the church are invited to attend.
This meeting is a Pot-Luck Dinner meeting. Bring a dish to share.
Our program will be “A Call to Prayer and Self Denial” led by Brenda Stephans.
As part of our program we will also do a recipe swap. Bring your favorite recipe to share with the group!
The Parkwood United Methodist Men will meet on Saturday morning February 20th , 2016, for breakfast at Beneties Restaurant in the Greenwood Commons shopping center off Sedwick road at 8:00 am
You are invited to join us this Thursday, Jan. 28 at 7:00 pm to kick off an exciting year of fellowship, fun, service, worship and study and did I mention fun activities with the Parkwood United Methodist Women (UMW). You don’t have to be a member of the church or even a member of UMW to join us. We would love to have you! This meeting will be a good one! It’s our planning meeting for the year. If you want to get in on the ground floor of planning of what UMW is all about then this is the meeting for you.
The Shadow of a Doubt Confronting Challenges to Faith
Bring your doubts out of the shadows and into the light. “I don’t believe it.” In this five-week study, you’ll learn that it’s okay to have doubts about your faith. Everybody does at one point or the other. Author Talbot Davis suggests that the way to handle your doubts is to acknowledge and confront them. Using biblical stories as illustrations about doubt, he shows you how to bring your doubts out of the shadows and into the light so that you have the opportunity to experience a more authentic faith the Jacob class meets at 9:30 in room 1
the Jacob class is moderated by Ron Byrd