Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors

Urban Ministries of Durham

We are now collecting canned meat and fruit for Urban Ministries of Durham. Thank you for helping our neighbors through your giving to the food pantry at Urban Ministries.

On Wednesday, Aug. 17 we will be going down to make sandwiches for bag lunches. We’ll carpool at 9 am from the church, work from 9:30-10:30 and be back by 11 am.


Parktown Food Hub

Sign up to volunteer at Parktown Food Hub Opportunities include participating in food distribution as well as prep work for distribution.

Durham CROP Hunger Walk

The 48th Annual Durham CROP Hunger Walk is scheduled for April 10, 2022 at Duke University. Join the Parkwood United Methodist Walking team and raise money to help fight poverty and hunger both locally and around the world.

Donate to the Durham CROP Hunger Walk through the ParkwoodUMC Team page.


Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors

Durham CROP Hunger Walk

The 48th Annual Durham CROP Hunger Walk is scheduled for April 10, 2022 at Duke University. Join the Parkwood United Methodist Walking team and raise money to help fight poverty and hunger both locally and around the world.

Donate to the Durham CROP Hunger Walk through the ParkwoodUMC Team page.

Urban Ministries of Durham

We are now collecting pasta and sauce as well as peanut better for Urban Ministries of Durham. Our pasta donations include both dry pasta and pasta already prepared in sauce. Thank you for helping our neighbors through your giving to the food pantry at Urban Ministries.

Parktown Food Hub

Sign up to volunteer at Parktown Food Hub Opportunities include participating in food distribution as well as prep work for distribution.

Parkwood United Methodist Church is sponsoring a fundraiser/yard sale for Parktown Food Hub on Friday, May 13 from 2:30 PM to 7:30 PM and Saturday, May 14 from 8AM to 5 PM . The rain dates are Friday May 20 and Saturday May 21, same times.


Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors – January 2022

Urban Ministries of Durham

We are collecting soup, oatmeal and tomatoes for the month of January (in the bins located between the kitchen and the secondary sanctuary doors)


Volunteer to Help at Parktown Food Hub

Sign up to volunteer at Parktown Food Hub Opportunities include participating in food distribution as well as prep work for distribution.


Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors – November 2021

Urban Ministries Food and Clothing Collection

We are still collecting cereal, peanut butter, and men’s clothing items (especially medium size). We are not collecting socks or t-shirts. If you happen to be at the grocery store, I invite you to consider picking up an extra jar of peanut butter or box of cereal to bring to church. Also (men), if you have clothes that you haven’t worn in the last year, we invite you to consider donating them to the Urban Ministry clothes closet by bringing them to church.

Parktown Food Hub - Durham NCVolunteer to Help Parktown Food Hub

Sign up to volunteer on a Food Distribution Day with the Parktown FoodHub on Thursday November 11th (need 6 people):
1:00-3:15 PM (unload and set-up): 1 more volunteer needed
3:30-6:00 PM (distribution): 2 volunteers needed
6:00-7:30 PM (clean-up):1 more volunteer needed


Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors

Egg Drive

We are collecting eggs for Urban Ministries through Sunday, August 22. If you find a great deal on eggs in one of our local stores, please share the details with our email list.

If you have access to the church building, feel free to place your eggs in the refrigerator anytime. The church will be open most of Friday, August 20 for egg drop off as well.

Food Drive

We are also gathering canned food items for Urban Ministries. This month we are focused on Canned Meats and Fruits.

School Supplies Drive for Durham Council of PTAs Back2School Bash

On August 29, South Durham Connections will be at the Durham Farmer’s Market Pavilion, 501 Foster St, Durham, 27701. as part of  Durham Council of PTA’s Back2School Bash. Parkwood United Methodist Church is collecting school supplies to send to this event. There are bins in the church hallway where you can leave your school supplies donations up until the event on August 29.

That morning, Pastor Sharon Schulze will be leading a brief worship service for volunteers before we join friends from across Durham to bring food and backpacks full of school supplies to our neighbors in need. We will be the church in action, living our call to love our neighbors as ourselves.

The schedule will be:

  • Devotion/worship: 7:50 am
  • Set up and preparation: 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Back to School Bash: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
  • Cleanup: 3:00 pm to ??



Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors

Parktown Food Hub

There are currently two kinds of volunteer opportunities. One is helping distribute food. The other type of opportunity is hub setup and preparation. Due to the COVID pandemic we are currently limiting the number of volunteers per session to a maximum of 4. If you have a pod or family group that is larger and want to volunteer, please contact us at parktownhub@gmail.com so we can make sure we have tasks for you to do and also notify others who have signed up. Safety is our highest priority since we are providing the critical need of food.

Sign up to Volunteer at Parktown Food Hub


Durham CROP Hunger Walk

The 47th annual Durham CROP Hunger Walk will be virtual this year, April 10 – 18th.   You can join in the fight against hunger by walking as part of the Parkwood UMC Team or sponsoring members of our team.

Walkers can set there own goal of walking a 5K, 5 miles, 10K or really whatever goal you wish during the event window, April 10-18.

Join the Parkwood UMC CROP Walk Team or Show Your Support



January Egg Drive for Urban Ministries and Parktown Food Hub

It is time for our first Egg Collection Event of 2021!

Eggs collected will be shared between Urban Ministries (with their weekly outdoor food pantry distributions) and Parktown Food Hub (with their three monthly food pantry distributions). We will be able to expand our community outreach and impact by partnering and supporting both of these organizations.

Our Goal – – 135 dozen or More

Why this Goal

  • 100 dozen for Urban Ministries’ mobile pantry distribution on Tuesday, January 26.
  • 35 dozen for Parktown Food Hub’s distribution on Monday, February 1.

If we beat our Egg Goal, ANY additional eggs WILL be distributed at the next Parktown Food Hub’s Monday distribution on February 8. Please know that NO EGGS will go to waste!

Drop Off Times

Eggs will be collected via drive up to Parkwood United Methodist Church

Wednesday, January 20  1-3 PM

Thursday, January 21  12-2 PM

Monday, January 25  11 AM – 1 PM

Tuesday, January 26   3-5 PM

Thursday, January 28 12-2 PM


2020 Reverse Advent Food Collection for Parktown Food Hub

2020 Advent Food Collection for Parktown Food Hub
Each day of December, leading up to Christmas Eve, add an item to the brown bag(s). Bring the filled bag(s) as a love offering to support the Parktown Food Hub. Food items will be used to stock the shelves for future pantry box distributions.

Food Items by Day

Day 1 – plastic jar of spaghetti sauce
Day 2 – canned ham
Day 3 – canned soup
Day 4 – canned corn
Day 5 – canned mixed vegetables
Day 6 – canned collard greens or kale
Day 7 – canned green beans
Day 8 – canned beans
Day 9 – canned fruit (light syrup or in natural juice)
Day 10 – canned tomatoes
Day 11 – canned meat (tuna, chicken, salmon, Vienna sausages)
Day 12 – canned gravy or dry gravy packet
Day 13 – canned ravioli, spaghetti & meatballs, etc.
Day 14 – canned cranberry sauce
Day 15 – box of Instant potatoes
Day 16 – peanut butter
Day 17 – rice
Day 18 – milk (shelf-safe, boxes or powdered)
Day 19 – macaroni and cheese
Day 20 – box of stuffing
Day 21 – box of cereal
Day 22 – canister of oatmeal
Day 23 – dry pasta
Day 24 – Coffee or Tea Bags


Collection Times

The collection dates for this year’s Reverse Advent food collection have been set. I’ll be waiting on the front porch to receive your bags on the following dates and times.

Monday, 12/21  1-3 PM
Tuesday, 12/22  3-5 PM
Wednesday, 12/23  10 AM – 12 PM
Saturday, 12/26  9-11 AM
Monday, 12/28  10 AM – 12 PM

Thank you all for your continued support and care for those served by the Parktown Food Hub.


Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors


Parktown Food Hub volunteer opportunities

We have two kinds of volunteer opportunities. One is helping distribute food. We need 6-7 volunteers for each distribution onsite. For offsite distributions we need 3-4 people.

The other type of opportunity is hub setup and preparation, and we can accommodate larger groups for those dates. If you want to bring a group larger than 10 people please contact us to make arrangements.

Sign Up to Volunteer at Parktown Food Hub


Durham CROP Hunger Walk

Join in the fight against hunger both globally and right here in Durham, NC. The Parkwood UMC team for the Durham CROP Hunger Walk needs you! You can donate online at our team page.


Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors – March 2020

Urban Ministries of Durham

We are on the schedule to serve breakfast on Saturday, March 28th.  We need 7 volunteers to give their time from 8:10-11:00 am that day.  We will carpool from the church at 8:10 am.


Parktown Food Hub volunteer opportunities

We have two kinds of volunteer opportunities. One is helping distribute food. We need 6-7 volunteers for each distribution onsite. For offsite distributions we need 3-4 people.

The other type of opportunity is hub setup and preparation, and we can accommodate larger groups for those dates. If you want to bring a group larger than 10 people please contact us to make arrangements.

Sign Up to Volunteer at Parktown Food Hub


Durham CROP Hunger Walk

Join in the fight against hunger both globally and right here in Durham, NC. The Parkwood UMC team for the Durham CROP Hunger Walk needs you!