United Methodist Women – February Meeting

The United Methodist Women meet the fourth Thursday of the month. February’s meeting is on Feb. 25th at 6:30 pm in the church fellowship hall. All WOMEN of the church are invited to attend.

This meeting is a Pot-Luck Dinner meeting. Bring a dish to share.

Our program will be “A Call to Prayer and Self Denial” led by Brenda Stephans.

As part of our program we will also do a recipe swap. Bring your favorite recipe to share with the group!


United Methodist Men – February Meeting

The Parkwood United Methodist Men will meet on Saturday morning February 20th , 2016, for breakfast at Beneties Restaurant in the Greenwood Commons shopping center off Sedwick road at 8:00 am


Parkwood United Methodist Women – January Meeting

You are invited to join us this Thursday, Jan. 28 at 7:00 pm to kick off an exciting year of fellowship, fun, service, worship and study and did I mention fun activities with the Parkwood United Methodist Women (UMW).  You don’t have to be a member of the church or even a member of UMW to join us.  We would love to have you!  This meeting will be a good one!  It’s our planning meeting for the year.  If you want to get in on the ground floor of planning of what UMW is all about then this is the meeting for you.



September Meeting of the Parkwood United Methodist Women

The next meeting of the Parkwood United Methodist Women is scheduled for September 24th, 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall or the Jacob Classroom. We will have Lisa Wells as our guest speaker. She will be speaking on Prison Ministry in the district. We hope to see you there!


Youth Schedule Fall 2015

September 13: Casseroles for Urban Ministries 5-7 pm
September 20: Drive up Prayer 5-7 pm
September 27: Meeting at church 5-7 pm
October 4: Dinner with firefighters 5-7 pm
October 9-10: Lock in
October 18: Flowers to nursing home after church
October 24: Trunk or Treat
November 1: Movie night at church 5-7 pm
November 8: Trash pick up after church


September Meeting of United Methodist Men

The Parkwood United Methodist Men (UMM) will meet on Saturday morning September 19th for breakfast at Beneties Restaurant in the Greenwood Commons shopping center off Sedwick road at 8:00 am


Come to the Table – September 26th

The final Come to the Table get together for 2015 will be held on Saturday, September 26th. Dinner plans for this service have not been finalized; be on the look out for more information here on the website or in the Sunday Service bulletin.

Don’t worry, the “Come to the Table” dinners may be gone for the rest of the year after September 26th; gone but not forgotten. Be on the lookout for the winter edition of “Come to the Table” starting in January. Break out the 2016 calendar and circle Saturday, January 30th, 2016.


Scouting Night 2015-2016

Join Scouting Night for the 2015-16 Scout year kicks off on Thursday, 27 at Parkwood UMC from 7-8PM.  They will kick off this event with sorts of wacky kickball games and refreshments.  Any boy from grades 1 through 5 can join.


Women of the Bible – UMW Monthly Meeting, August 27, 2015

The Parkwood United Methodist Women invite all ladies of PUMC to join us for

Women of the Bible

Speaker Rev. Laura Whitman

Thursday, August 27th, 2015

Parkwood United Methodist Church

(Jacob’s Classroom)

7:00 p.m.


Please come and join us for a wonderful evening of fellowship and discovery of the wonderful “Women of the Bible”.  We hope to see you there.  Please note the change in the meeting room for this month.

We invite all women of PUMC young and young at heart who are interested in service to our Lord with a group of fun, energetic, talented women.  Come join us and bring your ideas for fall projects



Come to the Table

This is a new worship opportunity at Parkwood United Methodist Church that will take place on Saturday evening, March 28th at 5:30 pm.

Join us as we gather around the table for food and worship and discuss the topic of ‘Food and Faith’ during our sermon time. Childcare will be provided and activities for older children staying in worship with us will be at every table.

We will close with communion.