Parkwood UMC Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg HuntYou are invited on March 28th at 10 am to join us for our Easter Egg Hunt. There will be lots of eggs, lots of candy, and lots of games. This event is for all ages and kids will be divided by age to ensure that everyone, even our little ones, have an opportunity to bring home lots of eggs!



Parkwood United Methodist Women – September News

Parkwood UMW met on Thursday, August 28th in the Jacob classroom at PUMC. Betty Byrd, president, welcomed the women to the meeting. Members took a few minutes to share joys and concerns.
Natalie’s devotional presentation was on “Life has no Guarantees.” She spoke on how tomorrow is not a given. We take for grant that our lives will be full of life, friends, jobs etc. but nothing is forever. She ended her presentation with a prayer.
Betty opened the business part of the meeting by having the women read the Mission Statement for UMW. She informed the women that Ron Byrd would be coming to take pictures to be include in the new UMW brochure that they are creating. After the pictures were taken, the group broke for refreshments furnished by Pam and Arlene and continued with business meeting.
Ann stated the new kitchen floor needs to be scrubbed. She said the installer told her soap and water or a little Spic N Span is best to clean the floor. She suggested making a sheet where we could sign-up to do the floor once a month. This way it will not be hard on any one person. Marietta is going to create the sign-up sheet and put on the UMW bulletin board.
The cleaning day also went well on August 16th. There are a few items that still need to be finished. A decision has not made as to when these items would be finished. A suggestion is the “Fall” Church Clean Up Day.

It was suggested that a committee be formed to create guidelines for the use of the kitchen. This way there will be a list for all groups who use the kitchen to guide them on what needs to be done when their activity is finished. Florine, Pat and Susan will be work on this project.

Betty asked the women to think about what they would want to accomplish at a retreat in the spring. Ann is going to look into a Bible Camp she knows about. Pat recommended a resource. We will bring our ideas back to the September meeting.

We will be selling Rada Knives this year as a fundraiser for the fall. Arlene has the catalogs and the order forms. Please see her if you have any questions.

The Parkwood “Community Yard Sale”, aka Parkwood Flea Market, is scheduled at this time for October 11th. We will discuss it more next month when the Parkwood Association’s plans are more definite.

Pam discussed projects we could do for UMCOR. We made birthing kits in the spring. We could do school kits or sewing kits etc. Jan also discussed projects we could do for Urban Ministries. We can have specific projects like bringing underwear for men, women and children or hats and mittens for the winter. We could also provide casseroles for families of 4. We did commit to making cookies in October for the children there.
Our September meeting will be September 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at Parkwood United Methodist Church. The program will be on Pledge Service for the UMW.
Hope to see you there.


Parkwood United Methodist Men – September Meeting

The Parkwood UMM will meet on Saturday morning, September 20th, for breakfast at Beneti’s Restaurant in the
Greenwood Commons shopping center off Sedwick road at 8:00 am.


Friday Night Movie

Join us for a great evening of fellowship and fun at the Friday Night Movie

presented on the first Friday night of the month in the Parkwood UMC Fellowship Hall

Sept.   Rear Window (1954) starring James Stewart, Grace Kelly
Oct.     Pride of the Yankees (1942) starring Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright
Nov.   The Mission (1986) starring Robert De Niro, Jeremey Irons
Dec.    Remember the Night (1940) starring Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurry


Parkwood Neighborhood Reunion

Oct 11th
12PM – 5PM

“Parkwood was an awesome place to grow up. Every time I ride through there it seems like there is a memory on every corner. I wish my Daughter could grow up in a place like that but it’s a different world now and I don’t know if the old Parkwood experience can be found anywhere. It’s just something that can’t be reproduced in all of these cookie cutter subdivisions all over now. I loved playing baseball and pickup games of football, then serving on the PVFD when I got old enough and I loved being a member of Parkwood Methodist and going camping with the church. Somebody needs to write a book about this place, or a made for TV movie. Proud to have Parkwood in my blood!”  -“Smilin” Jim Williams


Parkwood Neighborhood Reunion will be held on Oct 11th. Everyone  is  invited, both old and new residents,  to celebrate what a wonderful place Parkwood was to grow up. We are planning a friendly game of softball and participating in the Annual Parkwood Vol. Fire Department Barbecue Dinner should you choose. There will be live music and great memories being shared by all. Please plan to bring your blankets, chairs and memories for good times that Parkwood helped create. In order to have an accurate count for the PVFD dinners everyone will need to give us a head count prior to Oct 11th. You may pay for your dinner(s) when you pick up your meal.

Any questions should be directed to the following organizers.

Robyn Tassone, or Facebook

Betty Ertell, or Facebook


Parkwood United Methodist Women – August News

Parkwood United Methodist Women (UMW) met on Thursday, July 24th  at the Mayflower Restaurant on 15-501, Durham, NC.  This meeting was our “Annual Dinner Out” one month early. We had a GREAT time with 23 women in attendance, Pastor Nathan, Pastor Laura and the two boys. It was an honor to have you all. A fun time was had by everyone. I think the boys enjoyed themselves too.
Annual Dinner Out meeting was moved up one month because of postponing the “Retreat” due to not being able to find a date that worked for everyone this month. Hopefully, we will be able to have the “Retreat” in the spring.
Pastor Nathan opened the meeting with a wonderful devotional. Betty Byrd asked the 23 women present to try and think of a date and place to have our retreat in the spring. The summer was not a good time to plan due to vacations and other commitments.
No other business was discussed as this was a relaxed evening of fellowship.

Our Next Meeting:

Our next UMW meeting will be Thursday, August 28th. , in the Fellowship Hall of Parkwood United Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m. We hope to see everyone for this planning meeting for the fall.


Parkwood United Methodist Men – August Meeting

The Parkwood United Methodist Men (UMM)  will meet on Saturday morning August 16th for breakfast at Benetis Restaurant in the Greenwood Commons shopping center off of Sedwick Road at 8:00 am.



United Methodist Men – February News

Our next meeting for breakfast will be at 8am on Saturday, February 22nd. at Beneties on Hwy. 55 at 8:00.

We would also like to thank our congregation for their support of our Chili cook off.


United Methodist Women – February News

The Parkwood UMW officers met on January 6, 2013, to begin planning for a new year. The officers for the New Year are President Betty Byrd, Vice President Pam Skidmore, Secretary Arlene McCloskey, and Treasurer Pat Nestler. We again will be meeting at the church. We will be having our regular meetings in the evenings for the most part. We will also trying again holding Saturday morning meetings for special projects. We want to give working women of the church an opportunity to see what the UMW are all about! We have several programs scheduled. We want to have a workshop to make toiletry kits, a retreat, the St. Patrick’s Day lunch and of course the Parkwood Flea Market Bake Sale. A few other activities were talked about and we will have more information next month.

On Thursday, January 27, the first general meeting was held. After enjoying a covered dish dinner, we shared joys and concerns of our members and church family. Pam gave the new visitors a prayer bracelet and stated the officers hoped they would come back. Charlotte led us with devotion from Isaiah. Minutes and the treasurer’s report from the November meeting were accepted. Pat presented the proposed budget for 2014, and it was adopted by the members. Our goal is to encourage younger members of our church family to become participants in UMW and share in its supportive fellowship and mission focus.

One of our projects this month will be making corn bread or a dessert for the UMM Chili Cook-off on Sunday, February 2nd. There is a sign-up sheet on the UMW bulletin board. The men always look forward to the help with their church fundraiser.

The next UMW meeting will be held on Saturday, February 15th, at 10:00 am at PUMC. The program will be making Toiletry Kits. We will decide at this meeting where these kits will go. One suggestion was Urban Ministries, and Jan stated they are very much need at Urban Ministries. Please bring small toiletry items with you for the kits. A list will be coming out shortly and we will forward to you over the email list. We will be putting together both individual and family kits. Bev Whitmore will be showing us how to put the kits together.
We will also be planning for the St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon. We will need a chairman, please pray and think about heading up this project.
We look forward to seeing everyone for fellowship and service.


Friday Nite Movie – November 8th

The Friday Nite Movie is on……..

“Captains Courageous”, starring Spencer Tracey and Freddie Bartholomew,

will be shown this Friday at 7:30.