United Methodist Women – October 2013

After taking July off and having dinner out in August, UMW resumed its monthly meeting on Thursday, September 26. Fifteen members were present. President Susan Oglesby opened our meeting with prayer and then the members shared their joys and concerns. Hollis Bowen recognized those members with August and September birthdays. Secretary Florine Layman gave a recap of the minutes from the June meeting. This helped us focus on the finished and the unfinished projects of UMW.

Using the Prayer Calendar Charlotte Thompson told us about several missionaries and deaconesses and their mission work. She read Luke 6:17-26 to remind us the healing aspects of Jesus’ ministry. Becky Harrell works with training young Latino believers to serve in their communities to help ease the problems of poverty, rejection and hunger. Other deaconesses work more directly in their communities with healing ministries.

Treasurer Pat Nestler presented the treasurer’s report. Our unit’s Candle Burning donation for 2013 was made in memory of Hazel Robinson and in honor of Judy Roseberry, Jan Schwarze and Arlene McCloskey. The $72 donation is the amount of money required to carry on the mission work of UMW missions in the US and around the world for two minutes. After the treasurer’s report was accepted, Pat led us in the Pledge Service for 2014. Using the UMW values of Faith, Hope, and Love, we looked at others who are living these values and are helping many people around the world with their needs. Florine, Priscilla, and Arlene told of specific missions that receive UMW financial support. This program closed with our personal pledges to support missions in 2014.

Ann Farmer gave a report on the family room. It is nearly complete. While not a UMW project, most of the women involved in the design of this room and in the actual labor of getting it ready are active members in our UMW unit. The room should be ready for dedication on our church birthday, October 13, 2013.

In our last order of business Priscilla Thompson gave the report of the nominating committee. Our leadership for next year is in place! LOTS (Local Officers Training Session) will be held in November. We extend our thanks to the nominating committee and to the members that said YES.

Our next meeting will be October 24 at 7:00 pm.







Knit, Purl, Pray Sale

Coming Soon! The yarn enthusiasts who meet regularly for fellowship and knitting will be offering some of their hand crafted items for sale On Saturday, November 9 and after the worship service on Sunday , November 10. Among the items offered will be hats, scarves, afghans, doll clothes, sweaters, and prayer bracelets. Some of these items will make great Christmas gifts!


United Methodist Women – September News

United Methodist Women met on Thursday, August 22, at El Agave for our annual evening of fellowship and a dinner out! We will resume our regular monthly meetings on September 26 at 7:00 pm at the church.

The old cookbooks are still available. We are suggesting that food donations to Urban Ministries of Durham may be made in exchange for the cookbooks. Donated items may be left in the collection bins outside the sanctuary door.




Knit – Purl – Pray

Knit, Purl, Pray, our group of knitters and yarn enthusiasts, is planning to offer some of our items for sale on Saturday, November 9 and after the worship service on November 10.

If you are interested in joining us, KPP meets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Sometimes holidays or other church activities necessitate a change in the schedule, and we try to post a notice if this is the case. At our regularly scheduled meeting on Saturday, October 12, we are planning a “field trip” to visit some of the yarn stores in the area. All skill levels are welcome to become a part of this service and fellowship group.


United Methodist Men – September Meeting

UM MEN: Our next meeting for breakfast will be at 8am on Saturday, September 21st. at Benetis on Hwy.55


Ice Cream Social

We’re celebrating those lazy days of summer in our own way with our

Third Annual Ice Cream Social


Come join us for an afternoon of fun, fellowship and fabulous creations (of your own makings) Sunday, August 11  at 3:00 pm


United Methodist Women – August Dinner Meeting

El Agave RestaurantParkwood UMW took July off!!! Our next meeting will be our annual dinner out meeting on August 22.

This year we will go to El Agave on Hwy 55 (former Golden Corral/Obrien’s building). Plan to be there by 6:15 PM.

In order to let them know how many will be attending, please sign up on the list on the UMW bulletin board or contact Susan or Arlene  by August 20.

A menu will be posted on the UMW board with the signup sheet.


United Methodist Men – August Meeting

UM MEN: Our next meeting for breakfast will be Saturday, August 17th. at Benetis on Hwy. 55 at 8:00 am.


PUMC Summer Cookout

Parkwood United Methodist Men presents:

A Summer Cookout to Remember

Sunday, July 14th following the worship service


The men will be cooking their famous Hot Dogs and Hamburgers

We will have Ice Cold Watermelon

Please bring your favorite “picnic food” side dish and/or  adessert to share with others.
…..and a Stellar time will be had by all…..


Cub Scout Pack 495 – Rain Gutter Regatta

Pack 495 Rain-Gutter Regatta will be held at the church on July 27
@ 9:00am – 11:00am. Any kid who is an upcoming first grader or are
in the grades 1-5 are encouraged to join Pack 495 Cub Scouts.