Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors – January 2020
Urban Ministries of Durham
We are on the schedule to serve breakfast on Saturday, January 25th. We need 7 volunteers to give their time from 8:10-11:00 am that day. We will carpool from the church at 8:10 am.
We have two kinds of volunteer opportunities. One is helping distribute food. We need 6-7 volunteers for each distribution onsite. For offsite distributions we need 3-4 people.
The other type of opportunity is hub setup and preparation, and we can accommodate larger groups for those dates. If you want to bring a group larger than 10 people please contact us to make arrangements.
Sign Up to Volunteer at Parktown Food Hub
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Share God’s Love this Advent Season
Angel Memorial Tree
Hang an angel ornament on the tree in the church hallway as a way of lovingly remembering someone who has passed away.
Underwear & Socks Drive
The Women of Parkwood UMC are leading an underwear and sock drive throughout the month of December. These items will go to Urban Ministries to serve our greater Durham Community. Collection boxes will be located under the Angel Memorial Tree in the church hallway.
Needed: NEW socks, NEW underwear, NEW bras for men, women, and children in ALL sizes
Holiday Meal Boxes – 12 FULL Meals is our Goal
Turkeys, Stuffing, Instant Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Corn, Cranberry Sauce, Gravy. Bob N. will coordinate our efforts
Angel GIFT WALL for Christmas Giveaway
Coordinated through Parktown Food Hub and Parkwood Elementary School. Pick a tag off the hallway wall near the Hub. Sign up on the Sheet. Drop off the wrapped gift(s) at the Parktown Food Hub anytime Dec 12-17 between 1-6 pm.
December Drop-Ins
Offered by SoDuCo at Parktown Food Hub. Quiet time to discuss our hopes, followed by Christmas giveaway food box assembly. Family-friendly! Something for everyone!
Tuesdays December 3, 10, and 17 at 6:30 PM
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Launch of Community Food Hub located at Parkwood UMC
With seed money from RTI International’s Community Partnerships Program, the Parkwood Elementary School Food Pantry is expanding with a community food hub located right here at Parkwood UMC. Longtime RTI employee Lisa Greene presented the check to Reverend Anita Noble Taylor and Aja Purnell-Mitchell, PTA Co-VP and food pantry coordinator, at Parkwood’s Spring Carnival on April 27.
RTI was RTP’s very first tenant and Parkwood was RTP’s very first neighborhood. One way RTI lives its mission to improve the human condition is by giving back to the communities where we live and work. How fitting that RTP’s first tenant is giving back to RTP’s first neighborhood!
Christened the Parktown Food Hub at a kickoff on May 4, the community food pantry’s mission is simple: to feed as many people as possible with zero waste. It will be open to the community, a distribution location even when the school is closed and a source of volunteers to staff the school food pantry. Let’s work together to end hunger in Durham! Watch this space for more information about volunteer opportunities to support food security in South Durham.
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Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors
Volunteer in the Food Pantry & Clothes Closet at Urban Ministries – April 18th
Spend your morning helping others. Volunteer with other Parkwood UMC folks serving at Urban Ministries.
Durham CROP Hunger Walk
The 45th Annual Durham CROP Hunger Walk was April 7th. Parkwood UMC had a great team of walkers and sponsors. It is not too late to show your support. You can make a donation at our team’s page on the CROP Hunger Walk website.
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Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors – December 2018
Help restock Urban Ministries Food Pantry using the REVERSE ADVENT Calendar.
Add an item to a brown bag each day then bring the filled bag as an offering on Christmas Eve.
Please use Non-Glass Containers
Dec. 2 – peanut butter
Dec. 3 – milk (shelf-safe, boxes or powdered)
Dec. 4 – canned pork ‘n beans
Dec. 5 – macaroni and cheese
Dec. 6 – canned fruit (light syrup or in natural juice)
Dec. 7 – canned tomatoes
Dec. 8 – canned meat (tuna, chicken, salmon, Vienna sausages)
Dec. 9 – baking mixes (biscuit or muffin)
Dec. 10 – plastic jar of applesauce
Dec. 11 – canned ravioli, spaghetti & meatballs, etc.
Dec. 12 – canned cranberry sauce
Dec. 13 – canned beans
Dec. 14 – box of cereal
Dec. 15 – rice
Dec. 16 – canister of oatmeal
Dec. 17 – dry pasta
Dec. 18 – plastic jar of spaghetti sauce
Dec. 19 – canned chicken noodle soup
Dec. 20 – canned tomato soup
Dec. 21 – canned corn
Dec. 22 – canned mixed vegetables
Dec. 23 – canned carrots
Dec. 24 – canned green beans
Volunteer in the Food Pantry & Clothes Closet at Urban Ministries – December 2oth
Spend your morning helping others. Volunteer with other Parkwood UMC folks serving at Urban Ministries.
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Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors- Fall 2018
Volunteer in the Food Pantry & Clothes Closet at Urban Ministries – October 18th, November 15th
Spend your morning helping others. Volunteer with other Parkwood UMC folks serving at Urban Ministries.
Eggs for Urban Ministries
Sunday, Oct. 28th is Egg Sunday. We are trying for a goal of 75 dozen. Please bring your eggs and put them in the refrigerators during the week or on Sunday. Let us know if you find a really good price.
Serve Breakfast at Urban Ministries, November 24th
Donations for Urban Ministries, Ongoing
You can donate items for Urban Ministries by bringing them to the church, Get the updated list of accepted items.
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Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors – Summer 2018
Volunteer in the Food Pantry & Clothes Closet at Urban Ministries, June 21st, July 19th, August 16th and August 30th
Spend your morning helping others. Volunteer with other Parkwood UMC folks serving at Urban Ministries.
Serve Breakfast at Urban Ministries, July 28th
Donations for Urban Ministries, Ongoing
You can donate items for Urban Ministries by bringing them to the church, Get the updated list of accepted items.
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Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors – March 2018
Volunteer in the Food Pantry & Clothes Closet at Urban Ministries, March 15th and March 29th
Spend your morning helping others. Volunteer with other Parkwood UMC folks serving at Urban Ministries.
Serve Breakfast at Urban Ministries, March 24th
Donations for Urban Ministries, Ongoing
You can donate items for Urban Ministries by bringing them to the church, Get the updated list of accepted items.
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Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors – January 2018
Volunteer in the Food Pantry & Clothes Closet at Urban Ministries, January 18th
Spend your morning helping others. Volunteer with other Parkwood UMC folks serving at Urban Ministries.
Serve Breakfast at Urban Ministries, January 27th
Donations for Urban Ministries, Ongoing
You can donate items for Urban Ministries by bringing them to the church, Get the updated list of accepted items.
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Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors – December 2017
- Cookies for Party on December 16 – Drop off at church by Friday, 12/15

- WARM winter coats and jackets – All ages and sizes for men, women, and children.
- New UNWRAPPED Toys for ages 0-18 – Drop off at church by Monday, 12/11
- New Socks & Underwear Drive – All sizes for men, women, children and teens, especially SM, MED, LG and XL (UMW Sponsored – Look for the boxes)
Volunteer in the Food Pantry & Clothes Closet at Urban Ministries, December 21st
Spend your morning helping others. Volunteer with other Parkwood UMC folks serving at Urban Ministries.
Donations for Urban Ministries, Ongoing
You can donate items for Urban Ministries by bringing them to the church, Get the updated list of accepted items.
Filed under: Featured Serving Opportunity, Mission and Outreach, Opportunities to Serve by laura
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