Mission Opportunities with Urban Ministries
As Christians we are expected to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and to feed and clothe God’s children. Here are some ways you can do that.
- Donate food and clothes to the Food Pantry and Clothes Closet. Put them under the coat rack in the front hall. See the bulletin board for items we can and cannot take.
- Help in the Clothes Closet and Food Pantry every third and fifth Thursday of the month. We meet in the parking lot at 8:45 am and carpool. We can always use extra volunteers.
- Help serve Breakfast on the fourth Saturday of the uneven months. We meet in the parking lot at 7:45 am and carpool.
- NEW OPPORTUNITY. Help serve lunch on the fourth Saturday of Feb., April, and June. We’ll meet in the parking lot at 11:00 am and carpool.
- Contribute eggs for our quarterly egg drives. The next one will be Sunday, April 17th. If you have not been participating in these mission opportunities I hope you will consider them this year.
If you have not been participating in these mission opportunities I hope you will consider them this year. If you have questions just contact Jan Schwarze. I would love to hear from you.
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Parkwood UMC in Mission: Distributing Breakfasts and Lunches
Distributing Breakfasts and Lunches
To Area Children This Summer
A Recent PUMC Mission: Partnering with a Parkwood Elementary School
parent and teacher
By Frank and Brenda Stephans
Over this past summer, Brenda and I, along with eight other church members, volunteered to pick up free breakfasts and free lunches. This mission was initiated by the NOW Team, and carried out by our volunteer team. We picked meals up at Parkwood Elementary, drove to the Emerald Forest or Forest Glen apartments, and then distributed the meals to the children of these communities. Although Brenda and I started out by handing out breakfasts at Forest Glen, we were soon assigned regularly to Emerald Forest, where we became familiar with the apartment’s staff, parents and children. Our granddaughter Alyson also joined us in mission several times while she vacationed with us. Alyson enjoyed interacting with the children.
We enjoyed being out in the summer morning weather, although we quickly learned to pack bug repellent, to protect our legs from the mosquitoes!
This experience was rewarding to us in that we were able to help the children’s nourishment, while getting to interact with the children and their families. This mission was indeed a Glory!
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Special Needs for Urban Ministries
I want to make you aware of some things especially needed at this time. I also want to call your attention to some items we do not accept.
Most Needed Items:
- Dry Milk
- Peanut Butter
- Cereal
- Rice
- Spaghetti noodles and spaghetti sauce (in cans or plastic jars)
- Gloves for all ages
- New underwear for all ages
- Blankets (but not electric)
Items Not Accepted:
- Appliances,
- Computers (unless new) or Computer Printers
- Pillows
- Curtain,
- Baby furniture and equipment
- Stuffed animals or large toys
- Mattresses or box springs
- Medical items or equipment
- Wire clothes hangers
Please see the Urban Ministries bulletin board in our front hall where you will find ITEM DONATIONS GUIDELINES.
As always, I thank you so much for your continuing support and generosity.
Jan Schwarze
Filed under: Mission and Outreach by laura
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Knit – Purl – Pray
Knit, Purl, Pray, our group of knitters and yarn enthusiasts, is planning to offer some of our items for sale on Saturday, November 9 and after the worship service on November 10.
If you are interested in joining us, KPP meets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Sometimes holidays or other church activities necessitate a change in the schedule, and we try to post a notice if this is the case. At our regularly scheduled meeting on Saturday, October 12, we are planning a “field trip” to visit some of the yarn stores in the area. All skill levels are welcome to become a part of this service and fellowship group.
Filed under: Fellowship, Mission and Outreach by laura
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Help Needed at Urban Ministries of Durham
Could you give an hour or two to help those in need here in Durham? Here are some opportunities for helping those who come to Urban Ministries in need of food and clothing.
In addition to the food items we already collect, there is a need for the following items:
- Plastic zip-closed bags in sandwich and gallon sizes and tall white kitchen garbage bags.
- Laundry soap, toilet tissue, paper towels and hygiene items.
- Backpacks, tote bags, duffel bags and small suitcases.
- We can also use books, especially for children, but all books are needed.
- You could make snack bags of cookies and/or candy for a special treat for our clients. I can take these any Thursday when I go.
I am working on getting people to help sort and stock the clothes closet. This is done in the afternoon and we can decide when we want to go. If you are interested please let me know and I’ll add your name to the list and find a time that suits us.
Thank you for your continuing support for Urban Ministries and all the hungry and homeless people of Durham.
Jan Schwarze
Filed under: Mission and Outreach by laura
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CROP Walk 2013
March 17, 2013 — What a great day for a walk!!
We would like to thank our team of dedicated walkers, especially Peggy, who appeared as PUMCy the dragon for the entire 4.8 mile walk. Way to go!!
You can still donate to CROP in support of the team.
If you would like to donate online, you can visit our team gift page on the Church World Service Website.
You may also, write a check to PUMC and mark CROP Walk on the “for” line.

Filed under: Mission and Outreach by laura
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Operation Christmas Child
National Collection Week is November 12-19, 2012
Once again it is time to pack boxes full of goodies for Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child, the world’s largest Christmas project, brings joy and hope to needy children around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love. Since 1993, more than 94 million shoe box gifts have been delivered to children in more than 130 countries. What is the mission of Operation Christmas Child? The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Fill your shoe box with one or more items from each ‘something’:
- SOMETHING TO LOVE Teddy bear, doll, soft toy, etc.
- SOMETHING FOR SCHOOL Exercise book, pencil case, pens, pencils, coloring pencils, sharpener, eraser, chalk, etc.
- SOMETHING TO WEAR T-shirt, shorts, underwear, cap, beanie, sandals, thongs, etc.
- SOMETHING TO PLAY WITH Tennis ball, cars, skipping rope, marbles, musical instrument, yo-yo, slinky, finger puppets, wind up torch, etc. (No battery operated items, war toys or weapons)
- SOMETHING FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Soap and face washer, toothbrush, hairbrush, comb, hair-clips, scrunchies, etc.(No toothpaste)
- SOMETHING SPECIAL Carry bag, sunglasses, bangles, necklaces, craft kits, stickers, note or photo of yourself.
Please search your heart and pack a box or two, ten or twenty. Remember this is a blessing that can impact many lives, not only for a moment, but for a lifetime.
Filed under: Mission and Outreach, News and Announcements by laura
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Care Package Boxes for Our Troops in Afghanistan
The box to collect goodies for the soldiers is at the church with a list of suggested items posted with it. Now, the list is not comprehensive, but if you’re looking for some ideas, that might give you some. Additionally, if anyone else has any friends/family that is deployed, please contact Lauren Skidmore with their address and we will make sure they get goodies too.
Samples Ideas of Items You can Contribute:
- Baby wipes
- Q-tips
- Cotton balls
- ink pens
- Stamps
- Playing cards
- Gun, car, or sport magazines
- Baby Powder
- Tooth Brushes
- Eye drops
- Glasses wipes
- Chap stick
- Sun screen
- Travel size games
- Individual bags of chips
- Gummy candy
- Gum
- Fruit snacks
- Beef Jerky
- Cookies (no chocolate)
- Granola bars
- Snack bars (no chocolate)
Note: Much of the personal items belonging to our friends was destroyed in an attack from insurgents. Our friends in Afghanistan lost most of their personal belongings. Now there is a great need for basics like:
- Shampoo
- body soap
- toothpaste
- floss
- toothbrushes
- chapstick
- lotion
- deodorant
- hand sanitizer
- baby wipes
- flip flops/shower shoes
- underwear
- socks
- t-shirts
- pillows
- blankets
- gym shorts
UPDATE- May 8, 2012
THANK YOU to all of your for your wonderful support for our soldiers! The pictures of the boxes all loaded are below. I have been able to mail around FIFTY pounds of supplies to them (and we have more to go that will be in the mail next week!)! It’s incredible all the support we’ve received and I can’t express my gratitude enough!

Filed under: Mission and Outreach by laura
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Knit, Purl, Pray
Do you Crochet or Knit? Would you like to learn how?
Join us for Knit, Purl, Pray at Parkwood United Methodist Church
We get together on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 pm.
All levels of experience are welcome!
Many of our projects go to those in the hospital or home-bound.
Filed under: Fellowship, Mission and Outreach by laura
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CROP Walk 2012

April 1st was a great day for a CROP Walk!! Please support our team’s effort to Fight Hunger by making your contributions to CROP.
Filed under: Mission and Outreach by laura
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