Prayer Service, Thursday July 14, 2016
A Prayer Service will be held on Thursday, July 14 at 7 pm at Parkwood UMC. All are welcome.
A Prayer Service will be held on Thursday, July 14 at 7 pm at Parkwood UMC. All are welcome.
That is the theme of our upcoming Summer Arts Camp. What is Summer Arts Camp? It is very similar to the traditional Vacation Bible School that we have had at Parkwood United Methodist Church for many years. This year we wanted to try something new to help us reach out to the children as they PRAISE God through songs, stories, bible verses and the arts.
The change is the focus on the arts. Children love to perform, use their hands to make things, be creative and be dramatic! We will give them an opportunity to do all of those things through our art activities.
Look at this lineup!
*Drama: Make the props and present the drama based on a Bible story
*Music: Make musical instruments and learn rhythms
*Crafts: A variety of activities, including yarn sculptures
*Photography: Learn strategies for picture taking and present a gallery of photos
*Jewelry Making: Make necklaces and/or bracelets using a variety of materials
*Woodworking: Make bluebird houses
These activities will be for our children ages 6-12. We will have special activities for our 3-5 aged children.
On Sunday, July 10 at 5:30 we will kick off our summer arts camp by having a pizza and tie dye party! We are asking everyone, adults and children, to bring a shirt to tie dye. We will wear them on Saturday, July 16, 2016 to our end of camp celebration and ice cream social!
We hope you can join us for this exciting time. You can download our online registration form or you can contact The forms are also available at Parkwood United Methodist Church. Please email the completed form or you can mail it to Parkwood United Methodist Church 5123 Revere Rd. Durham, NC 27713. You are welcome if you have not preregistered; however, in order for us to ensure we have enough supplies for the activities we need you to register soon!
Palm Sunday – March 20th at 11:00 am
All will gather outside and process in to the sanctuary.
Maundy Thursday Common Meal and Service – March 24th at 6:15 pm
Our Common Meal commemorating The Last Supper. The meal will consist of cheeses, fruits, breads and crackers. The church will provide the juice for the meal. Please bring items to share and join in the fellowship for this very meaningful service.
Good Friday Vigil – March 25th, 12 -3 pm and 6-7 pm
Tenebrae Service – March 25th at 7 pm
Easter Sunrise Service – March 27th at 7 am
Easter Worship Service – March 27th at 11:00 am
Join us as we gather around the table for food and worship, Saturday February 27th at 5:30 pm. Childcare will be provided and activities for older children staying in worship with us will be at every table.
We will close the worship service with communion.
Immediately after the service on January 31st there will be A SHORT all church meeting about capital projects. We hope everyone can stay for this meeting.
Join Parkwood UMC for New Year’s Eve Watchnight Service, December 31st at 6 pm. We will begin with fellowship around the dinner table and then we will transition into the sanctuary for worship at around 7 pm.
This service exists for us to confess our shortcomings from the year before and renew our covenant with God and the church for the coming year. Consider this opportunity to begin a new year with us in worship.
On The first Sunday in Advent the sanctuary is decorated during the Hanging of the Greens ceremony. The lighting of the altar and Advent candles, hanging wreaths and garlands, placing holly and cedar branches and poinsettias, placing the Nativity and the meaning and lighting of the Chrismon tree are explained while members of the congregation perform the activities. The ceremony is followed with a communion service.
On the second Sunday we incorporate a Moravian Love Feast in our morning worship. A Love Feast is a service of song during which a simple meal of buns and coffee are served. The buns and coffee are carried in baskets and trays by “Dieners”, or servers, while the choir, congregation and other musicians sing and perform hymns and carols. This is a simple, devout service that has great significance in the Moravian church and has been adopted by churches of other denominations.
The third Sunday of Advent is our Choral Cantata Sunday, during which our choir performs.
Join us for a simple service remembering the Holy Family’s search for shelter and a celebration of the Nativity. The service will begin outside as we join Mary and Joseph, Weary from travel, as they seek a place to stay from the innkeeper. Once invited inside, we will hear and see the story of the Nativity and celebrate the birth of Christ with cakes, snacks, and music. Children are especially welcome and will participate as magi and angels.
We celebrate the Festival of Lessons and Carols on the fourth Sunday of Advent. This service includes congregational participation in reading of the lessons and the singing of the hymns and carols.
Join us for a candlelight communion service.
Saturday, October 24th
5-7 pm
Parkwood United Methodist Church
5123 Revere Rd. Durham NC 27713
Trick or Treat from one spookily decorated Trunk to the next, jump around in the bounce house, win tasty cakes and cookies on our Cake Walk, and enjoy fun games.
The final Come to the Table get together for 2015 will be held on Saturday, September 26th. Dinner plans for this service have not been finalized; be on the look out for more information here on the website or in the Sunday Service bulletin.
Don’t worry, the “Come to the Table” dinners may be gone for the rest of the year after September 26th; gone but not forgotten. Be on the lookout for the winter edition of “Come to the Table” starting in January. Break out the 2016 calendar and circle Saturday, January 30th, 2016.
Join us for Come to the Table, a service of worship around the dinner table, August 29th at 5:30 pm. We are looking forward to having Sal’s Italian provide food for the evening and we will be introducing children’s church that will take place after dinner together. Sharon Schulze will be sharing the message.