Zoom Worship Service – September 27, 2020 at 11:00 am

Our worship service on Sunday, September 27th will be a joint service in partnership with Peace Covenant Church, presented via Zoom.

This service will not stream live on this website. You will need access information to connect to the Zoom meeting.

Worship begins at 11:00 am this Sunday. Please use the form below to request login information.

Request Access Here


    Ecumenical Community Worship Service – September 13, 2020

    We are excited to announced that Pastor Sharon Schulze will be leading the Parkwood United Methodist Church streaming service this Sunday, Sept. 13, at 10:30 am.

    This week’s service is an ecumenical community service so Christus Victor Lutheran Church and people throughout the South Durham Connections and Parktown Food Hub communities will be participating, and it’s an opportunity for Parkwood UMC, the Parkwood Neighborhood, and the whole of South Durham to learn about this beautiful community of faith that has grown up right in their backyard. Spread the word!


    Virtual Hymn Sing with Parkwood UMC

    Parkwood United Methodist Church will host a  Virtual Hymn Sing via ZOOM on Sunday, August 30, 2020.

    RSVP is required. Please use the following link.
    Please RSVP by 8:30 am, Sunday August 30th.

    Music for hymns sung during this event are available in Acrobat pdf format as Parkwood UMC VIRTUAL Hymn Sing 2020


    “Unraveled” Summer Worship Series beginning June 7, 2020

    Summer Worship Series - Unraveled - Parkwood United Methodist Church, Durham NCParkwood United Methodist Church invites you to participate in the 2020 Summer Worship Series, “Unraveled.” We will explore 12 biblical stories of unraveling through art, reflections and prompts.

    This Summer Series begins on June 7th at 10:30 am. Worship with us, online via live video available here on our website or through our Facebook page.

    If you would like to participate in this worship series but have not received materials, please email the church office.


    Conference-wide Youth Service Sunday May 31, 2020

    We will worship at 5 PM, enjoying the spirit-led Conference Youth Service with preaching from Bishop Hope Morgan Ward.

    Access worship with this link. https://live.nccumc.org/


    Worship with Parkwood UMC via Facebook Video

    We hope you will join us for worship on Sunday Morning at 10:30 am.  We stream live video on our Facebook page and share that link here so you can watch and participate directly from our website.

    If you are unable to participate at 10:30 am, please use the video replay at a time that fits your needs.

    Worship with ParkwoodUMC via Facebook Video


    Worship for Holy Saturday Easter Vigil or Easter Sunrise

    On Holy Saturday, we share with you the liturgy for the Easter Vigil at-home worship service. The Liturgy video includes sung responses and scripture readings from many gifted clergy women of our NC Conference of The United Methodist Church.


    Please note that you do not need to use the video to have meaningful worship at home. You can simply use the liturgy guide and create holy worship either late Saturday evening OR early Sunday morning.

    What You Will Need:

    1. A candle for each person and a lighter
    2. A copy of the liturgy for each person. https://nccumc.org/files/ncc-hw20-3-easter.pdf
    3. A bowl with water.


    Good Friday with Parkwood UMC – April 10, 2020

    What You Will Need:

    1) A copy of the liturgy, either on a device or in printed form, for each person participating with you.

    2) 5 small candles, 1 large candle, and a lighter or matches

    3) A cross to place at the center of the table

    4) The audio contained within the YouTube video OR downloadable using the following link.

    Worship Now



    Worship for Maundy Thursday with Parkwood UMC, April 9, 2020

    We hope you will take time to worship with us on Maundy Thursday, April 9th The Liturgy video will be available on YouTube starting at 5 PM on Thursday, April 9. This video includes the piano accompaniment for the singing parts of the liturgy. Use the link below to access the video.

    Please note that you do not need to use the video to have meaningful worship at home. You can simply use the liturgy guide and create holy worship around your own table at home.

    What You Will Need:

    1.  A copy of the liturgy, either on a device or in printed form, for each person participating with you.
    2.  1 candle and a lighter or matches
    3.  A bible
    4.  A cross to place at the center of the table
    5.  Bread and a meal to share



    Worship with Parkwood UMC via Facebook Video

    Effective Sunday, March 15 2020, Parkwood United Methodist Church ceased public worship and other Parkwood UMC gatherings in our church for at least two weeks in order to protect our church family and the community in which we live and serve, as we implement “social distancing.”

    We hope you will join us in worship via Facebook Video on April 5th at 11:00 am.

    Participate in Worship via Video