United Methodist Men – February Meeting
The Parkwood United Methodist Men will meet on Saturday morning February 20th , 2016, for breakfast at Beneties Restaurant in the Greenwood Commons shopping center off Sedwick road at 8:00 am
The Parkwood United Methodist Men will meet on Saturday morning February 20th , 2016, for breakfast at Beneties Restaurant in the Greenwood Commons shopping center off Sedwick road at 8:00 am
The Parkwood United Methodist Men (UMM) will meet on Saturday morning September 19th for breakfast at Beneties Restaurant in the Greenwood Commons shopping center off Sedwick road at 8:00 am
The Parkwood UMM will meet on Saturday morning, September 20th, for breakfast at Beneti’s Restaurant in the
Greenwood Commons shopping center off Sedwick road at 8:00 am.
The Parkwood United Methodist Men (UMM) will meet on Saturday morning August 16th for breakfast at Benetis Restaurant in the Greenwood Commons shopping center off of Sedwick Road at 8:00 am.
You may purchase either a whole butt (each yields a little over 4 pounds on average) which will include the finishing sauce that I normally put on the pulled meat or by the pint (approximately 1 pound) which will already have the finishing sauce on it.
BBQ Sauce (not the same as the finishing sauce) may also be purchased by the pint.
Please have your orders in by Wednesday April 30th.
Please complete this form and give it to me or you can place it in my mail box at the church.
Orders can also be placed via email to Mike Dube.
Our next meeting for breakfast will be at 8am on Saturday, February 22nd. at Beneties on Hwy. 55 at 8:00.
We would also like to thank our congregation for their support of our Chili cook off.
The Parkwood United Methodist Men will be selling pulled pork on September 29th. These orders will be by the pint (approximately 1 lb.). Sauce may also be purchased by the pint. Please submit your orders by Wednesday, September 25th.
You may also purchase whole butts this year (each yields a little over 4lbs. on average) which will also include a finishing sauce normally put on the pulled meat.
Please complete an order form( available in this month’s newsletter) and place it in Mike Dube’s box in the church hall.
UM MEN: Our next meeting for breakfast will be at 8am on Saturday, September 21st. at Benetis on Hwy.55
UM MEN: Our next meeting for breakfast will be Saturday, August 17th. at Benetis on Hwy. 55 at 8:00 am.
Parkwood United Methodist Men presents:
A Summer Cookout to Remember
Sunday, July 14th following the worship service
The men will be cooking their famous Hot Dogs and Hamburgers
We will have Ice Cold Watermelon
Please bring your favorite “picnic food” side dish and/or adessert to share with others.
…..and a Stellar time will be had by all…..