United Methodist Men – No July Meeting

UM MEN: We will not meet in the month of July.


Our next meeting for breakfast will be at 8am on Saturday,
August17th. at Beneties on Hwy. 55 at 8:00.




Parkwood United Methodist Men – June Breakfast Meeting

UM MEN: We will meet for breakfast at 8am on Saturday, June 15 th at Beneti’s on Hwy. 55 at 8:00am.


Parkwood United Methodist Men – May Gathering

UM MEN: We will meet for breakfast at 8am on Saturday, May 18th at Beneties on Hwy. 55 at 8:00.


Parkwood United Methodist Men – March Meeting

The United Methodist Men’s meeting will be held on March 16th at 8:00 am. at Beneties Restaurant at Hwy 55 and Sedwick Road.

The UMM wish to thank you for making out two winter fundraising events at success. We donated $200.00 to Yo! Durham and $200.00 to the Pastors Discretionary fund. We look forward to seeing you at the Spring Flea Market on May 4th.


United Methodist Men Breakfast January 19th

United Methodist Men will meet for breakfast  Saturday, January 19th at Benetis Restaurant on Hwy. 55 at 8:00 am.


Upcoming Calendar:

  • Umpteenth Annual Chili Cook- Off January 27th following worship.
  • Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, – February 12th at 6:15 pm


June Meeting of the United Methodist Men

The Men of the Church will meet on Saturday, June 16th at 8 am at the Golden Corral on Hwy 55.


Community Pancake Supper

On Tuesday, February 21 at 6:15pm, the Parkwood United Methodist Men will be hosting a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Join us for fun, fellowship and Pancakes!

The day before Lent in the British Isles is called Shrove Tuesday. “Shrove” refers to the practice of going to Confession before Lent. Lent is a forty day season of self-denial before Easter. Meat, cheese, sugar, butter, eggs and fat were not eaten during Lent.

The Pancake suppers became a last opportunity to party before forty days of self-denial! Pancake races were held where women ran a course with a frying pan, throwing pancakes into the air and catching them in the pan a certain number of times. The custom is over 400 years old.