Details Forthcoming on UMW Regathering In-Person
How do we all play a part in taking care of our resources? What impact does stewardship have on all aspects of our lives? Come join the women of Parkwood UMC at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 when we will discuss stewardship of the earth.
The program for the May 25 Parkwood UMW meeting is discussion on the book, “Pre-Post Racial America.”
The United Methodist Women are collecting socks and underwear for Urban Ministries. We were told that they have completely depleted their stock. They need all sizes, men, women and children. Small, medium, large, XL. During your shopping this Christmas season please think about picking up a package or two or three of socks and underwear. There is not a better feeling that putting on clean underclothes. This is important for families who have nothing. So, please help with this collection!
Collection boxes are under the angel tree at the end of the hallway by the cross.
Thank you for your generous open hearts!
The United Methodist Women meet the fourth Thursday of the month. February’s meeting is on Feb. 25th at 6:30 pm in the church fellowship hall. All WOMEN of the church are invited to attend.
This meeting is a Pot-Luck Dinner meeting. Bring a dish to share.
Our program will be “A Call to Prayer and Self Denial” led by Brenda Stephans.
As part of our program we will also do a recipe swap. Bring your favorite recipe to share with the group!
You are invited to join us this Thursday, Jan. 28 at 7:00 pm to kick off an exciting year of fellowship, fun, service, worship and study and did I mention fun activities with the Parkwood United Methodist Women (UMW). You don’t have to be a member of the church or even a member of UMW to join us. We would love to have you! This meeting will be a good one! It’s our planning meeting for the year. If you want to get in on the ground floor of planning of what UMW is all about then this is the meeting for you.
The next meeting of the Parkwood United Methodist Women is scheduled for September 24th, 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall or the Jacob Classroom. We will have Lisa Wells as our guest speaker. She will be speaking on Prison Ministry in the district. We hope to see you there!
Parkwood UMW met on Thursday, August 27th. 2015 in the Jacob Classroom at PUMC. Betty Byrd welcomed fifteen women this month to the meeting. Members took a few minutes to share joys/ health concerns and birthdays. Refreshments this evening were provided by Marietta Abbott, Pat Nestler. Marie Porter assisted with setup.
Charlotte Thompson showed us children’s art work from around the world. She closed the Prayer Calendar portion of the meeting with a prayer from her sister.
We will be meeting at 9:00 a.m. to decorate the Chrismon tree and decorate the church for the
Advent season. Our next meeting will be Thursday, September` 24th. We look forward to
seeing all the women of the church interested there.
Knit Purl Pray will be, again, participating in the Southwest Elementary PTA Craft Fair on November 21st. Please come and look at the items made this year. Do some Christmas shopping while you are looking.
Rev. Laura Whitman was our guest speaker. She gave us a little background on how she received the calling into the ministry. She has been influenced by Debra and Giles in Judges. It was an interesting presentation and we got to know her more.
The Parkwood United Methodist Women invite all ladies of PUMC to join us for
“Women of the Bible”
Speaker Rev. Laura Whitman
Thursday, August 27th, 2015
Parkwood United Methodist Church
(Jacob’s Classroom)
7:00 p.m.
Please come and join us for a wonderful evening of fellowship and discovery of the wonderful “Women of the Bible”. We hope to see you there. Please note the change in the meeting room for this month.
We invite all women of PUMC young and young at heart who are interested in service to our Lord with a group of fun, energetic, talented women. Come join us and bring your ideas for fall projects