Parkwood United Methodist Women – September News

Parkwood UMW met on Thursday, August 28th in the Jacob classroom at PUMC. Betty Byrd, president, welcomed the women to the meeting. Members took a few minutes to share joys and concerns.
Natalie’s devotional presentation was on “Life has no Guarantees.” She spoke on how tomorrow is not a given. We take for grant that our lives will be full of life, friends, jobs etc. but nothing is forever. She ended her presentation with a prayer.
Betty opened the business part of the meeting by having the women read the Mission Statement for UMW. She informed the women that Ron Byrd would be coming to take pictures to be include in the new UMW brochure that they are creating. After the pictures were taken, the group broke for refreshments furnished by Pam and Arlene and continued with business meeting.
Ann stated the new kitchen floor needs to be scrubbed. She said the installer told her soap and water or a little Spic N Span is best to clean the floor. She suggested making a sheet where we could sign-up to do the floor once a month. This way it will not be hard on any one person. Marietta is going to create the sign-up sheet and put on the UMW bulletin board.
The cleaning day also went well on August 16th. There are a few items that still need to be finished. A decision has not made as to when these items would be finished. A suggestion is the “Fall” Church Clean Up Day.

It was suggested that a committee be formed to create guidelines for the use of the kitchen. This way there will be a list for all groups who use the kitchen to guide them on what needs to be done when their activity is finished. Florine, Pat and Susan will be work on this project.

Betty asked the women to think about what they would want to accomplish at a retreat in the spring. Ann is going to look into a Bible Camp she knows about. Pat recommended a resource. We will bring our ideas back to the September meeting.

We will be selling Rada Knives this year as a fundraiser for the fall. Arlene has the catalogs and the order forms. Please see her if you have any questions.

The Parkwood “Community Yard Sale”, aka Parkwood Flea Market, is scheduled at this time for October 11th. We will discuss it more next month when the Parkwood Association’s plans are more definite.

Pam discussed projects we could do for UMCOR. We made birthing kits in the spring. We could do school kits or sewing kits etc. Jan also discussed projects we could do for Urban Ministries. We can have specific projects like bringing underwear for men, women and children or hats and mittens for the winter. We could also provide casseroles for families of 4. We did commit to making cookies in October for the children there.
Our September meeting will be September 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at Parkwood United Methodist Church. The program will be on Pledge Service for the UMW.
Hope to see you there.


Parkwood United Methodist Women – August News

Parkwood United Methodist Women (UMW) met on Thursday, July 24th  at the Mayflower Restaurant on 15-501, Durham, NC.  This meeting was our “Annual Dinner Out” one month early. We had a GREAT time with 23 women in attendance, Pastor Nathan, Pastor Laura and the two boys. It was an honor to have you all. A fun time was had by everyone. I think the boys enjoyed themselves too.
Annual Dinner Out meeting was moved up one month because of postponing the “Retreat” due to not being able to find a date that worked for everyone this month. Hopefully, we will be able to have the “Retreat” in the spring.
Pastor Nathan opened the meeting with a wonderful devotional. Betty Byrd asked the 23 women present to try and think of a date and place to have our retreat in the spring. The summer was not a good time to plan due to vacations and other commitments.
No other business was discussed as this was a relaxed evening of fellowship.

Our Next Meeting:

Our next UMW meeting will be Thursday, August 28th. , in the Fellowship Hall of Parkwood United Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m. We hope to see everyone for this planning meeting for the fall.


United Methodist Women – February News

The Parkwood UMW officers met on January 6, 2013, to begin planning for a new year. The officers for the New Year are President Betty Byrd, Vice President Pam Skidmore, Secretary Arlene McCloskey, and Treasurer Pat Nestler. We again will be meeting at the church. We will be having our regular meetings in the evenings for the most part. We will also trying again holding Saturday morning meetings for special projects. We want to give working women of the church an opportunity to see what the UMW are all about! We have several programs scheduled. We want to have a workshop to make toiletry kits, a retreat, the St. Patrick’s Day lunch and of course the Parkwood Flea Market Bake Sale. A few other activities were talked about and we will have more information next month.

On Thursday, January 27, the first general meeting was held. After enjoying a covered dish dinner, we shared joys and concerns of our members and church family. Pam gave the new visitors a prayer bracelet and stated the officers hoped they would come back. Charlotte led us with devotion from Isaiah. Minutes and the treasurer’s report from the November meeting were accepted. Pat presented the proposed budget for 2014, and it was adopted by the members. Our goal is to encourage younger members of our church family to become participants in UMW and share in its supportive fellowship and mission focus.

One of our projects this month will be making corn bread or a dessert for the UMM Chili Cook-off on Sunday, February 2nd. There is a sign-up sheet on the UMW bulletin board. The men always look forward to the help with their church fundraiser.

The next UMW meeting will be held on Saturday, February 15th, at 10:00 am at PUMC. The program will be making Toiletry Kits. We will decide at this meeting where these kits will go. One suggestion was Urban Ministries, and Jan stated they are very much need at Urban Ministries. Please bring small toiletry items with you for the kits. A list will be coming out shortly and we will forward to you over the email list. We will be putting together both individual and family kits. Bev Whitmore will be showing us how to put the kits together.
We will also be planning for the St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon. We will need a chairman, please pray and think about heading up this project.
We look forward to seeing everyone for fellowship and service.


United Methodist Women – October 2013

After taking July off and having dinner out in August, UMW resumed its monthly meeting on Thursday, September 26. Fifteen members were present. President Susan Oglesby opened our meeting with prayer and then the members shared their joys and concerns. Hollis Bowen recognized those members with August and September birthdays. Secretary Florine Layman gave a recap of the minutes from the June meeting. This helped us focus on the finished and the unfinished projects of UMW.

Using the Prayer Calendar Charlotte Thompson told us about several missionaries and deaconesses and their mission work. She read Luke 6:17-26 to remind us the healing aspects of Jesus’ ministry. Becky Harrell works with training young Latino believers to serve in their communities to help ease the problems of poverty, rejection and hunger. Other deaconesses work more directly in their communities with healing ministries.

Treasurer Pat Nestler presented the treasurer’s report. Our unit’s Candle Burning donation for 2013 was made in memory of Hazel Robinson and in honor of Judy Roseberry, Jan Schwarze and Arlene McCloskey. The $72 donation is the amount of money required to carry on the mission work of UMW missions in the US and around the world for two minutes. After the treasurer’s report was accepted, Pat led us in the Pledge Service for 2014. Using the UMW values of Faith, Hope, and Love, we looked at others who are living these values and are helping many people around the world with their needs. Florine, Priscilla, and Arlene told of specific missions that receive UMW financial support. This program closed with our personal pledges to support missions in 2014.

Ann Farmer gave a report on the family room. It is nearly complete. While not a UMW project, most of the women involved in the design of this room and in the actual labor of getting it ready are active members in our UMW unit. The room should be ready for dedication on our church birthday, October 13, 2013.

In our last order of business Priscilla Thompson gave the report of the nominating committee. Our leadership for next year is in place! LOTS (Local Officers Training Session) will be held in November. We extend our thanks to the nominating committee and to the members that said YES.

Our next meeting will be October 24 at 7:00 pm.







United Methodist Women – September News

United Methodist Women met on Thursday, August 22, at El Agave for our annual evening of fellowship and a dinner out! We will resume our regular monthly meetings on September 26 at 7:00 pm at the church.

The old cookbooks are still available. We are suggesting that food donations to Urban Ministries of Durham may be made in exchange for the cookbooks. Donated items may be left in the collection bins outside the sanctuary door.




United Methodist Women – August Dinner Meeting

El Agave RestaurantParkwood UMW took July off!!! Our next meeting will be our annual dinner out meeting on August 22.

This year we will go to El Agave on Hwy 55 (former Golden Corral/Obrien’s building). Plan to be there by 6:15 PM.

In order to let them know how many will be attending, please sign up on the list on the UMW bulletin board or contact Susan or Arlene  by August 20.

A menu will be posted on the UMW board with the signup sheet.


Parkwood United Methodist Women – July News

The Parkwood UMW held their monthly meeting on June 27. The program was a special mission project led by Jan Schwarze. Jan instructed us on how us to make *Prayer Bead Bracelets. These creative bracelets will be presented to those in need of spiritual enlightenment; guest speakers at our meetings and others as suggested. Those interested in purchasing bracelets for their self or as a gift can contact a member of UMW for details. The cost is $10.00 and the proceeds will go towards other future mission projects.

Among the discussion items were–Sunday July 28th at 3:00pm the ladies will host a baby shower for the expected new addition to the Whitman family. Pastor Nathan & Laura are expecting another baby boy and we would like share in the joy. All ladies are invited to participate.

July is our designated ‘vacation’ month so we will not hold a meeting. Mark your calendar now and plan to join us for dinner-out on Thursday evening August 22nd. Look for more information about this meeting and restaurant location in the next newsletter.

Our nominations team (chair: Natalie Robson) is now taking suggestions / recommendations for officers in 2014. Also, if you currently hold a position and would like to continue in that role, please let the team know as soon as possible.

As always all are welcome to join us for our meetings held the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. Please stop by and check out updates on the UMW bulletin board to get more information about the mission work and service projects the Methodist women are involved in. If you need child care, please contact Pam Skidmore prior to each meeting to allow coverage by our youth group.

Wishing you All a safe & fun summer!


Parkwood United Methodist Women – June News

The Parkwood UMW met on Thursday evening, May 23rd,  at PUMC. Vice President Pam Skidmore welcomed those attending and introduced our guests from Abundant Joy: Center for Women’s Ministries. Beth A. Benham, Director, and Loni Gunn came to share information about Abundant Joy. They have been organizing and working in Durham since October 2012. Their purpose is to offer confidential, spiritual, emotional, and relational support to women eighteen or above who are experiencing crises or transition in their lives. The volunteers at Abundant Joy are not professional counselors, but they do go through training programs. If necessary, they do have links to professional counselors. Their services include peer counseling, support groups, study groups, and prayer support. Contact information and ways to help or use the services of Abundant Joy will be posted on the UMW bulletin board.

After the program, we enjoyed refreshments provided by Florine Layman. During the business session we received minutes from the last meeting and the treasurer’s report. Treasurer Pat Nestler brought our supply of Gift to Mission cards including birthday, thinking of you, congratulations, and several other types. When these cards are purchased, a gift of $5.00 is forwarded to the district treasurer for mission work. These cards may be purchased from Pat.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, June 27. In lieu of a regular program Jan Schwarze will be leading a workshop on making prayer bracelets. Supplies have been purchased. If you are interested, please plan to attend!


Parkwood United Methodist Women – May News

Parkwood UMW met on Saturday, April 20, 2013, at PUMC. President Susan Oglesby called the meeting to order. She asked that we “Think Green,” and place any unused agendas and other handouts in a pile to be shredded for recycling or perhaps used in hamster cages. Our business session opened with Florine’s short recap of the March meeting. Charlotte presented the treasurer’s report. The minutes and treasurer’s report were accepted as printed and distributed by email. Continuing with old business Jan reported that the committee on receptions is in the process of gathering information concerning the cost of the items generally served. Jan also bought a prayer bracelet and we decided to use the June 27 meeting as the workshop for making the bracelets. Completed bracelets will also contain a printed guide to explain the meaning of each bead and how to use them in prayer. Jan also shared some information on items needed at UMD that are not on the regular food list. There is, however, a continuing need for food, and the members voted to send a donation designated for the purchase of food. The next item of business was a discussion of our participation in the May 11 Parkwood Flea Market. We adopted suggested price and packaging guidelines. Work schedules and a sheet listing items donated were passed around. They are posted on the UMW bulletin board and there is room to volunteer to work as well as donate baked goods.

At this point we took a short break to enjoy the refreshments provided by Hollis and Judy.

Susan began our program with prayer. In addition to those in our church family with needs, we remembered the victims and families and all those whose lives were changed by the events at the Boston Marathon. Our special guest for this meeting was Susan Rayles, President of the Corridor District. She shared some background on her journey to becoming Corridor District president. She presented some information on the upcoming mission studies, the Sister to Sister event, and the District Day apart. Flyers on these events can be found on the UMW board or on the corridor District Website, She also shared information about the “For all the Saints” that will be a part of the annual conference meeting of UMW. Our treasurer will have more information about this. There is also a mission trip to the Wesley Community Center in Savannah, GA in September. Spaces are limited because there is very little housing available. Anyone interested must register by August 15. Susan Rayles announced that our Susan Oglesby has accepted the position of Sub District Leader for south Corridor District. Congratulations and thanks for your service! The remainder of Susan’s remarks related to how we can help include and encourage younger women in their UMW journey.


Parkwood United Methodist Women – March News

The Parkwood UMW met on February 28 in the Fellowship Hall at PUMC. President Susan Oglesby welcomed the twenty-one women attending. She opened our meeting with a prayer. As always, the members took a few minutes to share joys and to report on health concerns as well as improving conditions. Correspondence from our youth, the Methodist Home for Children, and Edna Walker was circulated. Minutes and treasurer’s reports from the January meeting were presented and accepted.

Natalie presented the Response moment using an article from a recent Response magazine. The article was about Albemarle County in Virginia. This county is the location of Charlottesville and is one of the wealthiest counties in Virginia. At the same time 21% of its resident live below the poverty level. There are United Methodist women and Methodist congregations at work trying to help feed and shelter their neighbors in need. Among the programs in place are shelters that rotate among the churches, a
back pack food program, and weekly distribution of groceries. The food box program began twenty-five years ago as a monthly distribution and has grown to weekly distribution. All the projects Natalie reported were started as UMW efforts to help their local community.

The program this month was the annual “Call to Prayer and Self Denial.” Pam Skidmore led the program on financial literacy. Included in the program were facts about today’s cost of living and the debt that quickly builds through use of credit cards, home mortgages, auto loans, and educational expenses.

We were reminded of John Wesley’s “earn all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.” The offering collected during the program will be forwarded as designated funds to support financial literacy training programs of the UMW.

During the business portion of our meeting, Jan presented an update on the reception/dinner policy for PUMW. Betty and Pam are also working on this committee. Members agreed to help with the coordination and preparation of upcoming receptions. The receptions are not fundraisers, but a reception ministry.

Plans were made for the Irish dinner to be served on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17 following the worship service. This will be a fundraiser to support PUMW projects this year. Our March meeting will be held on the third Thursday, March 21, because the fourth Thursday is Maundy Thursday. The meeting will be at 7:00 pm at PUMC.