Easter Celebration

Come celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the grave at sunrise (6:30) on Sunday, April 8 at Parkwood United Methodist Church! A short worship service will be followed by breakfast at Beneti’s. Our regular worship will begin at 11am.


Early Morning and Mid-Day Ashes

On Wednesday, February 22 from 6:30-7am, there will be a brief Ash Wednesday service at Parkwood United Methodist Church. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a forty day season of self-denial before Easter. Ashes represent repentance and mortality. At the close of the service, the Pastor will lightly make an ash cross on each forehead. This tradition was started by Pope Gregory the Great in the sixth century. The ashes are from the burned palm branches of the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebration.

The sanctuary will also be open 7am-8am and from 11:30am-2pm for prayer. The Pastor will be available during those times to mark the foreheads of those who desire it. A meditation on the Stations of the Cross will also be available.


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