Halloween Hoot & Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 26th
5 – 7 pm
This event is a fun and safe carnival atmosphere provided by the Cub Scout Pack 495 for the entire community with plenty of games, food, prizes, and more. This year‘s Hoot will see the wonderful addition of a community Trunk-Or-Treat, hosted by PUMC Youth Fellowship group.
Boy Scout Troop 486 will be on hand cooking hamburgers and hot dogs to purchase along with chips and sodas.
Filed under: Events, Youth by laura
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Easter Egg Hunt
PUMC Youth will host an Easter Egg Hunt for the Community
Saturday, March 23rd at 10:00 am
All children ages 10 years and under are welcome to participate. Parental assistance is welcome and advised.
Donations: We are expecting a lot of children to come out to this great Parkwood Community event. Donations of plastic eggs and individually wrapped candies are greatly appreciated.
Filed under: Events, Youth by laura
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UMYF – June News
Summer is almost here!!!! And the Youth are ready for it! We had a great month with the Flea Market Car Wash. The Youth made just over $200.00!!! Also they showed their talents in singing and leading the Mothers Day Service. WAY TO GO YOUTH!!!
The Youth have been working really hard on their service projects, while also learning about gratitude and respect. They are also thinking of joining the Bible Quiz team! Our Youth are growing each and every day, not only into young adults but also with their relationship with God.
So get ready for a busy June as well. The Youth will be leading the Fathers Day Service and going on their retreat to Wet N Wild. They will also be helping with VBS! So continue to be ready for our Youth they are staying busy and getting the job done!
Thank you to all of you who support our Youth program.
Filed under: Fellowship, Youth by laura
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Youth News!
The youth group has been very busy this year and April was no different. We had the Easter egg hunt at the Church and oh what a turn out! We had so many people there; some even said that there was more attendance than in past years! GO PUMC YOUTH! Pastor Bob provided us with some pamphlets with our Church information on it and quite a few people were interested! Yeah Pastor Bob!
Confirmation Class of 2012
We had a few members of our Youth Confirmed this month: Caroline Mitchell, Tiffany Jackson and Hope Roberts. Way To Go Girls!!
Serving the Community
Our most recent service project was doing a worship service with Pastor Bob at the Brian Center on April 29th.
Fundraising – Car Wash!
Our big fundraiser was this month. The Youth CAR WASH!! The youth members washed cars while customers shopped at the Parkwood Flea Market.
Due to the many functions that the Youth are doing we have decided to purchase T-shirts with our Church logo and information on it. The cost of the T-shirts is $11.50 each. If you would like to help the youth with this, we will accept all donations just mark them T-shirts!
Thank you for all that you do to support our Youth. We love having the meals that you are making for us and we love talking with you as well. We really do learn for you!
Stay tuned for more information because the youth are busy getting things together for Mothers & Fathers Day along with Vacation Bible School.
Filed under: Youth by laura
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