Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors

Parkwood UMC Fundraiser ResultsResults from our April Fundraiser

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of our fundraiser this Spring. This was a fantastic team effort from gathering items for the Silent Auction, bringing in yard sale items, preparing Plants for sale, and baking delicious desserts, cookies and more.

Download a flyer of our fundraiser results.


Durham Congregations in Action

Parkwood United Methodist Church is an active participant in Durham Congregations In Action. DCIA strives to bring different faith traditions together for greater understanding of one another, work together for to address the real needs of Durham, and support the organizations working on the ground to make Durham a better place to live such as Urban Ministries of Durham, Meals on Wheels, and Partners for Youth Opportunity.

Parktown Food Hub - Durham NCVolunteer with Parktown Food Hub

UMC shares building space, land, resources, and friendship with the Parktown Food Hub, which is a vibrant community of food and fellowship, led by Pastor Sharon Schulze.  The Parktown Food Hub offers food to our neighbors on days and times that are kept updated on their live calendar. Parkwood UMC collects and stocks the green bean shelf in the Food Hub.

Want to learn more? Visit the Parktown Food Hub website.

Prayer and Care Cards Team

Parkwood UMC has a faithful prayer card ministry, where a small group gathers each week to pray over those on our prayer list and send cards out in the mail.

Knit Purl Pray

A group of women get together on 1st and 3rd Saturdays @ 10 AM to knit scarves, blankets and shawls for shut-ins and folks who are on our prayer list.

CCoM (Collaborative Communities on Mission)

Parkwood UMC has a covenant with Christus Victor Lutheran Church and All Saints UMC to do joint fellowship and mission projects together, such as Rise Against Hunger. We meet together once per month to discuss our next project or gathering.

Join the PUMC Mission Team

You do not have to be a member to join the PUMC mission team, where we’re in conversation about where we want to allocate our resources, our gifts, our time, and our attention to best serve our neighborhood.

Serve with Parkwood UMC

Opportunities to Serve Our Neighbors – January 2025

Parktown Food Hub

Parkwood UMC is sponsoring the Green Bean Shelf at the Parktown Food Hub. Our goal is to bring in 300 cans of green beans each month. Can you help? Donations may be left on the shelf at the cross and flame in the church hallway

Volunteer at Parktown Food Hub. Opportunities include participating in food distribution as well as prep work for distribution.


Durham CROP Hunger Walk

Parkwood United Methodist Church participates in the Durham CROP Hunger Walk. The 2025 Durham CROP Hunger Walk is March 23, 2025.

Details about supporting the Parkwood UMC Team in the walk – coming soon!