The Seekers Class to begin a Study of John
On Sunday January 17, 2016, the Seekers Class will begin the Study of John, The Gospel of Light and Life by Adam Hamilton. Please plan to join us. The Seekers class meets at 9:30 in room 5 The Seekers class is moderated by Bob Newlin
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September Meeting of the Parkwood United Methodist Women
The next meeting of the Parkwood United Methodist Women is scheduled for September 24th, 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall or the Jacob Classroom. We will have Lisa Wells as our guest speaker. She will be speaking on Prison Ministry in the district. We hope to see you there!
Filed under: Events, Fellowship, United Methodist Women by laura
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September Meeting of United Methodist Men
The Parkwood United Methodist Men (UMM) will meet on Saturday morning September 19th for breakfast at Beneties Restaurant in the Greenwood Commons shopping center off Sedwick road at 8:00 am
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Scouting Night 2015-2016
Join Scouting Night for the 2015-16 Scout year kicks off on Thursday, 27 at Parkwood UMC from 7-8PM. They will kick off this event with sorts of wacky kickball games and refreshments. Any boy from grades 1 through 5 can join.
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Women of the Bible – UMW Monthly Meeting, August 27, 2015
The Parkwood United Methodist Women invite all ladies of PUMC to join us for
“Women of the Bible”
Speaker Rev. Laura Whitman
Thursday, August 27th, 2015
Parkwood United Methodist Church
(Jacob’s Classroom)
7:00 p.m.
Please come and join us for a wonderful evening of fellowship and discovery of the wonderful “Women of the Bible”. We hope to see you there. Please note the change in the meeting room for this month.
We invite all women of PUMC young and young at heart who are interested in service to our Lord with a group of fun, energetic, talented women. Come join us and bring your ideas for fall projects
Filed under: Events, Fellowship, United Methodist Women by laura
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Vacation Bible School at Parkwood UMC – July 19th – 22nd
Vacation Bible School at Parkwood United Methodist Church: July 19 T0 22nd
Come run the happiest and most exciting race ever, with Jeff Slaughter on this fun-filled VBS, which starts at 2 Timothy 4: 7-8. Follow the race route on a scripture-packed course through Bible Studies, Worship, Crafts, Games and more; all to encourage your kids to run and finish the most important race of all . . . pathway to salvation in Christ.
Join us Sun July 19 – Thurs July 22 for Vacation Bible School at Parkwood United Methodist Church, 5123 Revere Rd. Durham. Ages 3 to 10 are all welcome! (All “threes” must be “potty” trained). The time is 5:30pm – 7:30pm. We will have an ice cream social on Sunday night to kick off the fun and will serve a light dinner for the children at 5:30pm each evening thereafter.Download the registration form here. For more information you can call the church office at (919) 544-1078.
Reserve your child’s spot at Parkwood UMC’s Vacation Bible School event Now!
Just fill in the contact form below and turn in your registration form Sunday, July 19th!
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Come to the Table
This is a new worship opportunity at Parkwood United Methodist Church that will take place on Saturday evening, March 28th at 5:30 pm.
Join us as we gather around the table for food and worship and discuss the topic of ‘Food and Faith’ during our sermon time. Childcare will be provided and activities for older children staying in worship with us will be at every table.
We will close with communion.
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Parkwood UMC Easter Egg Hunt
You are invited on March 28th at 10 am to join us for our Easter Egg Hunt. There will be lots of eggs, lots of candy, and lots of games. This event is for all ages and kids will be divided by age to ensure that everyone, even our little ones, have an opportunity to bring home lots of eggs!
Filed under: Children, Events, Fellowship by laura
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Join Parkwood UMC for a Watchnight Service
A New Year’s Eve Watchnjght Service will be held at Parkwood United Methodist Church on December 31st at 6:00 pm. We will begin with fellowship around the dinner table, prepared by Jan Schwarze and then we will transition into the sanctuary for worship at around 7:00 pm. This service exists for us to confess our shortcomings from the year before and renew our covenant with God and with the church for the coming year. Consider this opportunity to begin a new year with us in worship.
Filed under: Events, Worship by laura
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Advent at Parkwood UMC
Join Parkwood United Methodist Church as we celebrate Advent
November 30th Hanging of the Greens at 11:00 am
On The first Sunday in Advent the sanctuary is decorated during the Hanging of the Green ceremony. The lighting of the altar and Advent candles, hanging wreaths and garlands, placing holly and cedar branches and poinsettias, placing the Nativity and the meaning and lighting of the Chrismon tree are explained while members of the congregation perform the activities. The ceremony is followed with a communion service.
December 7th Love Feast at 11:00 am
On the second Sunday we incorporate a Moravian Love Feast in our morning worship. A Love Feast is a service of song during which a simple meal of buns and coffee are served. The buns and coffee are carried in baskets and trays by “Dieners”, or servers, while the choir, congregation and other musicians sing and perform hymns and carols. This is a simple, devout service that has great significance in the Moravian church and has been adopted by churches of other denominations.
December 14th Cantata at 11:00 am
The third Sunday is our Choral Cantata Sunday, during which our choir performs.
December 21st Lessons and Carols st 11:00 am
On the fourth Sunday we celebrate the Festival of Lessons and Carols. In 1880 the parishoners and townspeople of Truro, England asked their Pastor, the Rev. G.H.S. Walpole, who later became Bishop of Edinburg, and his Bishop Edward White Benson, later to be the Archbishop of Canterbury, to develop a Christmas service in which the congregation and others could participate. Rev. Walpole and Bishop Benson revived a medieval liturgical custom of beginning the lesson with the fall of man and chose the rest of the readings to illustrate the story of redemption from the Old and the New Testaments.
The ceremony was adapted for use in the Chapel of Kings College in Cambridge, England in 1918. This adaptation, however, was designed to feature the Chapel Choir rather than involving participation by the congregation.
For our service we have chosen to use the original concept of congregational participation in the reading of the lessons and the singing of the hymns and carols.
December 24th Christmas Eve Service at 7:00 pm
Our Advent and Christmas celebration ends with a candlelight communion service on Christmas eve.
Our Christmas eve communion service begins at 7:00 PM.
Filed under: Events, Worship by laura
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