The Jacob Class begins “The Shadow of a Doubt”

The Shadow of a Doubt Confronting Challenges to Faith

Bring your doubts out of the shadows and into the light. “I don’t believe it.” In this five-week study, you’ll learn that it’s okay to have doubts about your faith. Everybody does at one point or the other. Author Talbot Davis suggests that the way to handle your doubts is to acknowledge and confront them. Using biblical stories as illustrations about doubt, he shows you how to bring your doubts out of the shadows and into the light so that you have the opportunity to experience a more authentic faith the Jacob class meets at 9:30 in room 1


the Jacob class is moderated by Ron Byrd


The Seekers Class to begin a Study of John

On Sunday January 17, 2016, the Seekers Class will begin the Study of John, The Gospel of Light and Life by Adam Hamilton. Please plan to join us. The Seekers class meets at 9:30 in room 5 The Seekers class is moderated by Bob Newlin


Sunday School News – September 2015

The Seekers Class

The Seekers Class continues to join in Pastor Nathan’s study of “The Call”. Following the pastor’s
study the Seekers will start “The Trouble with the Truth” by Bob Renfroe.

the Jacob Class

The Jacob class continues to join in Pastor Nathan’s study of “The Call”. Following the
pastors study, the Jacob class will start the book of Daniel.


What’s Happening in Sunday School – September 2014

The Seekers Class

The Seekers Class will complete the study of Deuteronomy and then take a break to join in Nathan’s Bible study. Blessings, Bob



the Jacob Class

the Jacob class will begin a study of the Books of Paul in Chronological order. We will begin with First Thessalonians and end with Second Timothy. The Jacob class meets in room 1 at 9:30 am




Making Sense of the Bible

We will be starting a new study at Parkwood UMC this September on Adam Hamilton’s ‘Making a Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today.’ Mark your calendars:

Our Sunday time slot will be during the Sunday school hour (9:30-10:30) and will begin on September 7th. Our Wednesday time slot will be from 6:15-7:15 pm and will begin on September 10th. Like last time, feel free to bring some food with you if you’re rushing over from work. The study is 6 weeks long and will end on October 12th and October 15th respectively.

This will be a challenging study for us as we ask some tough questions about how we view scripture and the issues it presents. We’ll also discuss how scripture speaks to the tough issues of our day. Knowing that we have a diverse congregation with different views and interpretations, we’ll need to make covenant before our study begins to listen to and be respectful of each other’s thoughts as we discuss. Be prayerful of this as you prepare to sign up for the study.

If you’re interested in participating in this study, please sign up or let Pastor Nathan know by Sunday, August 24th. Books can be ordered and ready to deliver by August 31st.



What’s Happening in Sunday School – August 2014

The Seekers Class

We started our study of  Deuteronomy Sunday, April 27. This is the 5th book of the Torah. Please plan to join us at 9:30 am. Blessings, Bob


the Jacob Class

Over the summer, the Jacob class will be using the book by J. Elswo0rth Kalas “The Thirteen Apostles”

Herb Schwarze will be conducting this study.
The Jacob class meets in room 1 at 9:30 am each Sunday.


Youth Sunday School

We will continue our study of Great Figures of the New Testament with the study of Stephen, Phillip, and the Centurions. In September, we will learn about Paul and we will probably spend the entire month on the one person other than Jesus who most influenced the development of the Christian movement. All youth are encouraged to attend and all young adults of college age are invited to join us during the summer months.


What’s Happening in Sunday School – February 2014

The Seekers Class

Yhe seekers Class is continuing their Immersion Study with the Book of Numbers. Everyone is welcome.


the Jacob Class

the Jacob class is doing a verse by verse study of the book of Acts. You only need to bring your Bible to class.

We meet in room 1 at 9:30 am


Listen: Praying in a Noisy World

ListenThere will be two opportunities to participate in our Lenten study, Listen: Praying in a Noisy World.

  • Sunday morning sessions will be offered beginning March 9th at 9:30 am.
  • Wednesday evening sessions will begin March 12th at 6:30 pm.
    • If you’re gathering with us on Wednesday evenings, you will be invited to break bread with us as we gather. For the first meeting we will be doing BYOF (Bring Your Own Food), but from there we’ll discuss some other options for the following meetings.


Publisher’s Description:

We live in a world of noise. Everywhere we go, we hear sounds that compete for our minds and hearts. Listening to God requires a deliberate choice to shut out the chaos around us and focus our thoughts.

Listen, by Rueben P. Job, is a 40-day experience created to offer help to those new to prayer, those with a daily prayer routine, and those whose lives seem too busy to pray. With a focus on listening prayer and prayer as a two-way conversation, the experience will assist individuals and groups in building and deepening a personal prayer practice and spiritual discernment.

As we learn to listen, we find a new depth and fulfillment in our relationship with God and a new experience of God as guide and companion in our lives. The daily prayer pattern includes an invitation, silence, Bible reading, a story, guided time for reflecting and listening, and practical help for developing six specific prayer practices.


Finding Bethlehem in the Midst of Bedlam

There will be two opportunities to attend our new Advent study, Finding Bethlehem in the Midst of Bedlam. The first, an evening study, begins on Tuesday, November 26th at 7pm. It will meet for four sessions (two chapters will be covered during the last session) and will conclude on Tuesday, December 17th. The second opportunity will be five sessions and take place each Sunday morning during Sunday school from December 1st until December 29th.

Finding Bethlehem in the midst of Bedlam“Christmas or confusion, Bethlehem or bedlam . . . Which will you choose this year? The truth is, we don’t have to choose, because Christmas always happens right in the midst of our confusion. God breaks into our confusion and is made known in Jesus Christ. Christmas and confusion–weren’t they intimately related at the first Christmas when Jesus was born? Sometimes we forget that. But, that’s what this study is about–how Christ breaks into our chaos and confusion and brings Christmas–how Bethlehem always happens in the midst of bedlam. This thematic Advent study for 2013 has five sessions–one for each Sunday of Advent and one for Christmas.
Each chapter includes questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, a focus for the week, and six daily Bible readings for personal devotional time during the week.”


What’s Happening in Sunday School – October 2013

The Seekers Class

The Seekers Class is continuing the Immersion studies series and with Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. Come join us as we study what these books mean and how they apply to our life today.


the Jacob Class

the Jacob class will begin a study of the book of Acts. There is no study book other than your Bible and, if you want one, a commentary of your choice. The class will start promptly at 9:30 am. the Jacob class meets in room 1.



Make Every Day Count: Youth Sunday School

Attention, Youth! We are continuing the study Make every day Count with just two chapters remaining. I enjoy being the teacher for this class but feel that we are not reaching you as we should. Please come to Sunday School so that we can discuss what is meaningful for you and what type of study to do next.